
145 lines
4.7 KiB

Author: freezed <freezed@users.noreply.github.com> 2018-04-04
Version: 0.1
Licence: `GNU GPL v3` GNU GPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
This file is part of [_ocp3_ project](https://github.com/freezed/ocp3)
from conf import (
from pygame.locals import K_UP, K_DOWN, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT
class Player:
Managing the player movement
def __init__(self, maze):
Creates a player in the given maze
:param obj maze: Maze object
self.maze = maze
self.current_position = maze.string.find(
elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0)
self.old_position = None
# Element under player, default 'floor'
self.ground = elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0)
# Colleted items
self.stock = []
self.stock_num = 0
# Contextual messages to display on each turn
self.status_message = {}
self.status_message['title'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['title']
self.status_message['status'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['status']
self.status_message['items'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['items'].format(
self.stock_num, maze.MAX_ITEMS
def key_event(self, pressed_key):
Sets value of the new position and passes it to `move_to()`
:param int pressed_key: direction (pygame const)
if pressed_key == K_UP:
self.move_to(self.current_position - self.maze.COL_NB)
elif pressed_key == K_DOWN:
self.move_to(self.current_position + self.maze.COL_NB)
elif pressed_key == K_RIGHT:
self.move_to(self.current_position + 1)
elif pressed_key == K_LEFT:
self.move_to(self.current_position - 1)
# ++Add other treatment for key events here (help, menu, etc.)++
def move_to(self, next_position):
Next position treatment
For each movement, it checks the next symbol on the maze and
apply the corresponding rule:
- set the new position
- updates messages
- collect item (if any)
- set symbol of the leaved position
- stop the game (win or lose)
:param int next_position: index in self.maze.string
# in the string range
if next_position in self.maze.RANGE:
next_symbol = self.maze.string[next_position]
self.old_position = self.current_position
# 'floor' element
if next_symbol == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0):
self.current_position = next_position
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_OK
# 'item' element
elif next_symbol in elmt_val('symbol', 'item', True):
self.current_position = next_position
elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_symbol, 0)
self.stock_num += 1
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_COLLECT.format(
elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_symbol, 0)
self.status_message['items'] \
= HEAD_MESSAGES['items'].format(
self.stock_num, self.maze.MAX_ITEMS
# 'guard' element
elif next_symbol == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'guard', 0):
self.maze.status = False
# all 'item' are collected : player wins
if sorted(self.stock) == sorted(
elmt_val('name', 'item', True)):
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WINNER
# player lose
missed_item_flist = ', '.join((item for item in elmt_val(
'name', 'item', True
) if item not in self.stock))
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_LOSER.format(
# for all other element (wall or nline)
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WALL
self.old_position = None
# out the string range
self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WALL
self.old_position = None
# Replaces player symbol in maze.string by 'ground' value
self.maze.string = self.maze.string.replace(
elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0), self.ground
# Sets the player's new position in maze.string
elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0), self.current_position