Fred Z 1104e34040 Checks if all items are collected (win or loose)
TODO draws items counter and message
2018-03-27 00:11:18 +02:00

183 lines
6.7 KiB

Author: freezed <freezed@users.noreply.github.com> 2018-03-17
Version: 0.1
Licence: `GNU GPL v3` GNU GPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
This file is part of [_ocp3_ project](https://github.com/freezed/ocp3)
import os
import random
from pygame.locals import K_UP, K_DOWN, K_RIGHT, K_LEFT
class Map:
Provides a usable map from a text file
Checks the map compatibility
Moves the player to it
def __init__(self, map_file):
Initialise map
The Map object has given attributes:
:var int status: move status (what append after a move command)
:var str status_message: feedback message for player
:var lst map_in_a_list: splited map in a list
:var str _map_in_a_string: map string
:var str _element_under_player: Element under player
:var int _player_position: Player index in _map_in_a_string
:param map_file: map filename
:rtype map: str()
:return: None
# Chargement du fichier carte choisi
if os.path.isfile(map_file) is True:
with open(map_file, "r") as map_data:
# translate to a splited lines string list
map_in_a_list = map_data.read().splitlines()
# map line number
if len(map_in_a_list) == MAZE_SIZE_TIL:
self._MAXIM = (self._COLUM * self._LINES) - 1
# Add map checking here
# Constructing square map
map_in_a_list = [self.check_line(line) for line in map_in_a_list]
self._map_in_a_string = '\n'.join(map_in_a_list)
# Player's initial position
self._player_position = self._map_in_a_string.find(
elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0)
# Element under player at start
self._element_under_player = elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0)
# Place collectables on the map
for symbol_to_place in elmt_val('symbol', 'collect', True):
position = random.choice([idx for (idx, value) in enumerate(self._map_in_a_string) if value == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0)])
self.place_element(symbol_to_place, pos=position)
self.status = True
self.status_message = MSG_START_GAME
self.collected_items = []
self.status = False
self.status_message = ERR_MAP.format("maplines: " + str(len(map_in_a_list)))
# Erreur de chargement du fichier
self.status = False
self.status_message = ERR_MAP.format(':'.join(["mapfile", map_file]))
def map_print(self):
""" Affiche la carte avec la position de jeu courante """
return self._map_in_a_string
def move_to(self, pressed_key):
Deplace le plyr sur la carte
:param str pressed_key: mouvement souhaite
:return int: une cle de la constante MOVE_STATUS
# supprime le plyr de son emplacement actuel et on replace
# l'elements «dessous»
self._map_in_a_string = self._map_in_a_string.replace(
elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0),
# Recupere la position suivante
if pressed_key == K_UP:
next_position = self._player_position - self._COLUM
elif pressed_key == K_DOWN:
next_position = self._player_position + self._COLUM
elif pressed_key == K_RIGHT:
next_position = self._player_position + 1
elif pressed_key == K_LEFT:
next_position = self._player_position - 1
self._element_under_player = elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0)
# Traitement en fonction de la case du prochain pas
if next_position >= 0 and next_position <= self._MAXIM:
next_char = self._map_in_a_string[next_position]
if next_char == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0):
self._player_position = next_position
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['ok']
elif next_char in elmt_val('symbol', 'collect', True):
self._player_position = next_position
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['collect'].format(elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_char, 0))
self._element_under_player = elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0)
self.collected_items.append(elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_char, 0))
elif next_char == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'exit', 0):
self.status = False
if sorted(self.collected_items) == sorted(elmt_val('name', 'collect', True)):
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['winner']
missed_item_flist = ', '.join((item for item in elmt_val('name', 'collect', True) if item not in self.collected_items))
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['looser'].format(missed_item_flist)
else: # wall, door or nline
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['wall']
self.status_message = MOVE_STATUS_MSG['wall']
# place le plyr sur sa nouvelle position
self.place_element(elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0))
def place_element(self, element, **kwargs):
Place l'element sur la carte.
La position est celle de l'attribut self._player_position au
moment de l'appel.
Utilise pour place le plyrt et remettre les portes.
:param str element: element a placer sur la carte
# FIXME cannot find a way to define default value to the
# method's arguments with class attributes
if 'pos' in kwargs:
pos = kwargs['pos']
pos = self._player_position
if 'txt' in kwargs:
txt = kwargs['txt']
txt = self._map_in_a_string
self._map_in_a_string = txt[:pos] + element + txt[pos + 1:]
def check_line(line):
Checks if a line has a good length, fill it if it's too small,
truncate if it's too long
differance = MAZE_SIZE_TIL - len(str(line))
if differance < 0:
return line[:MAZE_SIZE_TIL]
elif differance > 0:
return line + (differance * elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'void', 0))
return line