import email import time from pathlib import Path from xml.etree import ElementTree from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename POST_ACTUALITIES = 'actualites' POST_JOBS = 'emplois' POSTS = {POST_ACTUALITIES: "Actualités", POST_JOBS: "Offres d’emploi"} STATE_WAITING = 'waiting' STATE_PUBLISHED = 'published' STATE_TRASHED = 'trashed' STATES = { STATE_WAITING: "En attente", STATE_PUBLISHED: "Publié", STATE_TRASHED: "À la corbeille" } ACTION_PUBLISH = 'publish' ACTION_UNPUBLISH = 'unpublish' ACTION_REPUBLISH = 'republish' ACTION_TRASH = 'trash' ACTION_EDIT = 'edit' ACTION_DELETE_IMAGE = 'delete_image' ACTIONS = { ACTION_PUBLISH: "Publier", ACTION_UNPUBLISH: "Dépublier", ACTION_REPUBLISH: "Republier", ACTION_TRASH: "Supprimer", ACTION_EDIT: 'Editer', ACTION_DELETE_IMAGE: "Supprimer l'image" } IMAGE = '_image' TIMESTAMP = '_timestamp' STATE = '_state' PATH = '_path' DIR = '_dir' BASE_DIR = 'posts' BASE_FILE = 'post.xml' BASE_IMAGE = 'post.jpg' class DataException(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, http_code=None, **kwargs): self.http_code = http_code super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) root = Path(__file__).parent / BASE_DIR for category in POSTS: for state in STATES: (root / category / state).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def get_path(category, state, timestamp, *args, create_dir=False): path = root / category / state / timestamp if create_dir: path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for arg in args: path /= arg return path def count_posts(category, state=STATE_PUBLISHED): return len(tuple((root / category / state).iterdir())) def get_posts(category, state=STATE_PUBLISHED, start=0, end=None): path = root / category / state timestamps = sorted(path.iterdir(), reverse=True) timestamps = timestamps[start:end] if end else timestamps[start:] for timestamp in timestamps: yield get_post(category,, state) def get_post(category, timestamp, states=None): states = ( states if isinstance(states, (tuple, list)) else [states] if isinstance(states, str) else STATES ) for state in states: dir = root / category / state / timestamp path = dir / BASE_FILE if path.is_file(): break else: return None tree = ElementTree.parse(path) post = {item.tag: (item.text or '').strip() for item in tree.iter()} # Calculated fields image = post.get('image') or BASE_IMAGE if (dir / image).is_file(): post[IMAGE] = '/'.join((category, state, timestamp, image)) post[TIMESTAMP] = timestamp post[STATE] = state post[DIR] = dir post[PATH] = path return post def save_post(category, timestamp, admin, form, files): if timestamp is None: status = STATE_WAITING timestamp = str(int(time.time())) elif get_path(category, STATE_WAITING, timestamp, BASE_FILE).is_file(): status = STATE_WAITING elif get_path(category, STATE_PUBLISHED, timestamp, BASE_FILE).is_file(): status = STATE_PUBLISHED elif get_path(category, STATE_TRASHED, timestamp, BASE_FILE).is_file(): status = STATE_TRASHED else: raise DataException(http_code=404) if status == STATE_TRASHED and not admin: raise DataException(http_code=401) post = get_path(category, status, timestamp, BASE_FILE, create_dir=True) tree = ElementTree.Element('entry') for key, value in form.items(): if key.startswith('_'): continue element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, key) element.text = value if '_image_path' in form: image_path = root / form['_image_path'] if ACTION_DELETE_IMAGE in form and image_path.exists: image_path.unlink() else: element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, 'image') element.text = if 'image' in files: post_image = files['image'] filename = secure_filename(post_image.filename) / filename)) element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, 'image') element.text = filename element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, STATE_PUBLISHED) element.text = email.utils.formatdate( int(timestamp) if timestamp else time.time() ) ElementTree.ElementTree(tree).write(post) if ACTION_TRASH in form and status == STATE_PUBLISHED: (root / category / STATE_PUBLISHED / timestamp).rename( root / category / STATE_TRASHED / timestamp ) if not admin and ACTION_EDIT in form and status == STATE_PUBLISHED: (root / category / STATE_PUBLISHED / timestamp).rename( root / category / STATE_WAITING / timestamp ) if admin: if ACTION_PUBLISH in form and status == STATE_WAITING: (root / category / STATE_WAITING / timestamp).rename( root / category / STATE_PUBLISHED / timestamp ) elif ACTION_UNPUBLISH in form and status == STATE_PUBLISHED: (root / category / STATE_PUBLISHED / timestamp).rename( root / category / STATE_WAITING / timestamp ) elif ACTION_REPUBLISH in form and status == STATE_TRASHED: (root / category / STATE_TRASHED / timestamp).rename( root / category / STATE_PUBLISHED / timestamp ) return get_post(category, timestamp)