2024-03-28 08:56:51 +01:00

89 lines
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"""Simple non-regression tests for the Statement PDF parser.
It's possible to drop some PDF files in the test directory to run some
tests against them too.
import datetime as dt
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from boursobank import Statement, CardStatement, AccountStatement
def test_parse_header_2012():
"""Test parsing an old format of headers where the date can have a
single digit.
statement = Statement.from_string(
1/02/2012 12345 12345 00000000000 99 EUR 31/12/2011\
31/01/2012 1.000,00 € 0,000000 % 1
assert statement.headers["date"] ==, 1, 1)
assert isinstance(statement, AccountStatement)
def test_parse_header_cb():
"""Test parsing a Bank Card statement header (with a bank card number in it)."""
statement = Statement.from_string(
28/02/2024 12345 12345 00000000000 99 4810********9999 \
du 30/01/2024 au 27/02/2024 1/2
assert statement.headers["date"] ==, 2, 1)
assert isinstance(statement, CardStatement)
def test_parse_cb_line():
"""Test parsing a CB line which contains the label AFTER the value date."""
statement = Statement.from_string(
28/02/2024 12345 12345 00000000000 99 4810********9999 du \
30/01/2024 au 27/02/2024 1/2
12/02/2024 CARTE 10/02/24 PHOTOMATON 8,00
assert statement.lines
assert statement.lines[0].value == -8
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pdf", list(Path(__file__).parent.glob("*.pdf")))
def test_cb_consistency_from_files(pdf):
"""Test PDF files in the tests/ directory (place them yourself, there's not)."""
statement = Statement.from_pdf(pdf)
if not isinstance(statement, CardStatement):
found = statement.card_debit
computed = sum(line.value for line in statement.lines)
assert (
found == computed
), f"Inconsistent total, found: {found!r}, computed: {computed!r}"
def test_old_owner():
statement = Statement.from_string(
- Appelez le Centre d'opposition au 09 77 40 10 08
pour une Carte VISA Classic, au 04 42 60 53 44
pour une Carte VISA Premier.
- Faites une déclaration au Commissariat de Police
- Confirmez par courrier à Boursorama Banque, Service Client
44 rue Traversiere CS 80134 92772 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex THE OWNER IS HERE
28/02/2024 12345 12345 00000000000 99 4810********9999 du \
30/01/2024 au 27/02/2024 1/2
assert statement.headers["card_owner"] == "THE OWNER IS HERE"