# If not running interactively, don't do anything more [ -z "$PS1" ] && return DEBEMAIL=julien DEBEMAIL=$DEBEMAIL@ DEBEMAIL=${DEBEMAIL}palard.fr DEBFULLNAME="Julien Palard" shopt -s cdspell shopt -s dirspell shopt -s autocd shopt -s globstar shopt -s nocaseglob PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" CDPATH="~/clones/" if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] then xset b off fi # http://nion.modprobe.de/blog/archives/572-less-colors-for-man-pages.html export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # debut de blink export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m' # debut de gras export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # fin export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m' # début de la ligne d'état export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # fin export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m' # début de souligné export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # fin export DEBEMAIL DEBFULLNAME export EDITOR=emacs export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups export HISTFILESIZE=5000 export HISTSIZE=5000 export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=1 umask 022 eval "`dircolors`" HOSTNAME_SUM=$(cksum <(hostname) | cut -d' ' -f1) HOSTNAME_BOLD=$(( ($HOSTNAME_SUM + 1) % 2)) HOSTNAME_HUE=$(( ($HOSTNAME_SUM + 3) % 6 + 31)) USERNAME_SUM=$(($(cksum <(whoami) | cut -d' ' -f1) + 5)) # + 5 so root gots red. USERNAME_BOLD=$(( ($USERNAME_SUM + 1) % 2)) USERNAME_HUE=$(( ($USERNAME_SUM + 2) % 6 + 31)) HOSTNAME_COLOR=$'\E'"[$HOSTNAME_BOLD;${HOSTNAME_HUE}m" USERNAME_COLOR=$'\E'"[$USERNAME_BOLD;${USERNAME_HUE}m" # make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(lesspipe)" if ! [ -f "$HOME/.git-prompt.sh" ] then wget -q -O "$HOME/.git-prompt.sh" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh fi alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias fingerprint='find /etc/ssh -name "*.pub" -exec ssh-keygen -l -f {} \;' alias rekey='ssh-add -e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so >/dev/null 2>&1; ssh-add -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so' export PYTHONDEVMODE=y for extra in /etc/bash_completion ~/.bash_aliases ~/.my_bashrc ~/.git-prompt.sh ~/clones/mdk/compile-python/compile-python.sh do if [ -f "$extra" ] then . $extra fi done python_ps1() { local pypath="$(which python 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -z "$pypath" ]] || [[ "$pypath" == "/usr/bin/python" ]] then return fi local relative="$(realpath --relative-to=$(pwd) -s "$pypath")" if [[ ${#relative} -lt ${#pypath} ]] then pypath="$relative" fi printf "$1" "${pypath%/bin/python}" } if [[ "$TERM" != 'dumb' ]] then _TITLE="\[\e]0;\H \W\a\]" else _TITLE='' fi _PREV_FAIL="\`PREV_FAIL=\$?; if [ \$PREV_FAIL != 0 ]; then echo \[\e[31m\]\$PREV_FAIL \[\e[0m\]; fi\`" if ! [[ -f ~/.fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMonoNerdFontCompleteMono.ttf ]] then mkdir -p ~/.fonts/dejavu/ wget -qO ~/.fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMonoNerdFontCompleteMono.ttf https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/DejaVuSansMono/Regular/complete/DejaVu%20Sans%20Mono%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete%20Mono.ttf fi GIT_RED_FG='\e[38;2;244;77;39m' GIT_RED_BG='\e[48;2;244;77;39m' PY_BLUE_FG='\e[38;2;53;112;160m' PY_BLUE_BG='\e[48;2;53;112;160m' PY_YELLOW_FG='\e[38;2;255;222;87m' PY_YELLOW_BG='\e[48;2;255;222;87m' # 🬫🬛 # 🭮🭬 PY_PS1='$(python_ps1 "${PY_BLUE_FG}🭮${PY_BLUE_BG}${PY_YELLOW_FG}  %s \e[0m${PY_BLUE_FG}🭬\e[0m")' GIT_PS1='$(__git_ps1 "${GIT_RED_FG}🭮${GIT_RED_BG}\e[97m  %s \e[0m${GIT_RED_FG}🭬\e[0m")' PS1="${_TITLE}${_PREV_FAIL}${USERNAME_COLOR}\u\e[0m@${HOSTNAME_COLOR}\H\e[0m:\e[32m\w\e[0m${PY_PS1}${GIT_PS1}\n\$ " eval "$(direnv hook bash)" jsonpp() { input="$([ $# -gt 0 ] && printf "%s\n" "$*" || cat -)" if ! [ z"$(which pygmentize)" = z"" ] then printf "%s" "$input" | python -mjson.tool | pygmentize -l js || printf "%s\n" "$input" else printf "%s" "$input" | python -mjson.tool || printf "%s\n" "$input" fi } urldecode() { input="$([ $# -gt 0 ] && printf "%s\n" "$*" || cat -)" python -c "import urllib.parse, sys; print(urllib.parse.unquote(sys.argv[1]))" "$input" } urlencode() { input="$([ $# -gt 0 ] && printf "%s\n" "$*" || cat -)" python -c "import urllib.parse, sys; print(urllib.parse.quote(sys.argv[1]))" "$input" } # Removes *~ and #*# files in curent folder, for a depth limited to 3 folders. clean() { find -maxdepth 3 \ \( -name '*~' -o -name '#*#' -o -name .tox -o -name .mypy_cache \) \ -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vfr } dotfiles() { local CLONE="$HOME/.config/dotfiles-repo/" mkdir -p ~/.config/ if [ -d "$CLONE" ] then git -C "$CLONE" pull --ff-only else git clone -q https://github.com/JulienPalard/dotfiles.git "$CLONE" fi "$CLONE"/interactive_copy.py "$CLONE" ~/ --exclude README.md .git interactive_copy.py install.sh __pycache__ rm -f "$HOME/.git-prompt.sh" wget -q -O "$HOME/.git-prompt.sh" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh } wyz() { curl https://wyz.fr/ -F"${1##*.}=@$1" } e() { emacsclient --no-wait "$@" } venv() { # direnv-first venv creation. if [[ -f .envrc ]] then echo '`.envrc` file already exists!' return fi cat >.envrc <