
This commit is contained in:
Julien Palard 2021-11-18 09:32:35 +01:00
parent add35ad288
commit af3155ac26

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ with some more modifications any other Linux distrib, don't hesitate
to play around.
> The probability you'll just brick your VPS once or twice before succeding is high.
> Don't do this on a VPS you care.
@ -34,38 +35,38 @@ VPS and:
First get root:
$ sudo su -
sudo su -
Then we'll create a new root, in memory, for the temporary distrib:
# mkdir /takeover
# mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /takeover -o size=2G # Fully in RAM as we'll umount / later.
# apt update; apt-get install debootstrap busybox git build-essential
# debootstrap --variant=minbase bionic /takeover/ # Any OS would do, it's just a temporary one from which we'll install the real one.
mkdir /takeover
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /takeover -o size=2G # Fully in RAM as we'll umount / later.
apt update; apt-get install debootstrap busybox git build-essential
debootstrap --variant=minbase bionic /takeover/ # Any OS would do, it's just a temporary one from which we'll install the real one.
We could already chroot in it, but we'll prepare the ground for
# wget -O /takeover/busybox
# chmod a+x /takeover/busybox
# git clone /tmp/
# cp -a /tmp/* /takeover/
# cd /takeover
# gcc -static fakeinit.c -o fakeinit
# chroot /takeover /usr/bin/apt install openssh-server
# mkdir /takeover/run/sshd
# cp usr/bin/passwd bin/ # need it here
wget -O /takeover/busybox
chmod a+x /takeover/busybox
git clone /tmp/
cp -a /tmp/* /takeover/
cd /takeover
gcc -static fakeinit.c -o fakeinit
chroot /takeover /usr/bin/apt install openssh-server
mkdir /takeover/run/sshd
cp usr/bin/passwd bin/ # need it here
OK everything is ready to "pivot" root filesystem:
# sh # Here Come The Dragons.
sh # Here Come The Dragons.
If everything goes well, we can now ssh to the in-memory sshd (on port
@ -73,24 +74,25 @@ If everything goes well, we can now ssh to the in-memory sshd (on port
everything, format it, and start fresh:
$ ssh -p80 root@your_host
# pkill -9 -f systemd # and all remaining process using kill -9 PID PID PID PID PID PID ... EXCEPT the SSH you're actually using!
# mount | tac | grep old_root | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs umount # Umount old_root (may need to be ran multiple times)
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvda1 # A clean filesystem for the new distrib
# mount /dev/xvda1 /old_root/
# echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf # NEIN! NEIN!! NEIN!!! NEIN!!!!
# apt install debootstrap
ssh -p80 root@your_host
pkill -9 -f systemd
# and all remaining process using kill -9 PID PID PID PID PID PID ... EXCEPT the SSH you're actually using!
mount | tac | grep old_root | cut -d' ' -f3 | xargs umount # Umount old_root (may need to be ran multiple times)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvda1 # A clean filesystem for the new distrib
mount /dev/xvda1 /old_root/
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf # NEIN! NEIN!! NEIN!!! NEIN!!!!
apt install debootstrap
OK we destroyed everything from the old distrib, let's choose a new one:
# debootstrap bionic /old_root/ # This is the OS and version you want to install, maybe it's not Ubuntu bionic!
# mount -o bind /dev/ /old_root/dev/ # Prepare to chroot
# mount -o bind /run/ /old_root/run/ # Prepare to chroot.
# mount -o bind /sys/ /old_root/sys/ # Prepare to chroot..
# mount -t proc none /old_root/proc/ # Prepare to chroot...
# chroot /old_root/ # And we're back on disk!
debootstrap bionic /old_root/ # This is the OS and version you want to install, maybe it's not Ubuntu bionic!
mount -o bind /dev/ /old_root/dev/ # Prepare to chroot
mount -o bind /run/ /old_root/run/ # Prepare to chroot.
mount -o bind /sys/ /old_root/sys/ # Prepare to chroot..
mount -t proc none /old_root/proc/ # Prepare to chroot...
chroot /old_root/ # And we're back on disk!
Now we're back on disk, on the new distrib, we may have some
@ -99,16 +101,16 @@ changing root password, adding ssh keys, configuring grub, configuring
network interfaces...
# echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf # Yes, again: we're not on the same root...
# apt update
# apt install linux-virtual openssh-server ifupdown
# mkdir /root/.ssh/
# wget -O /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # Or your own keys, your choice.
# passwd # Set a root password, useful to connect via the emergency console.
# printf "%s\n%s\n 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' > /etc/network/interfaces # Setup the network
# # Setup /etc/fstab, if you want the UUID of the disk use `blkid`.
# sync # For good measure
# reboot now
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf # Yes, again: we're not on the same root...
apt update
apt install linux-virtual openssh-server ifupdown
mkdir /root/.ssh/
wget -O /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # Or your own keys, your choice.
passwd # Set a root password, useful to connect via the emergency console.
printf "%s\n%s\n 'auto eth0' 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' > /etc/network/interfaces # Setup the network
# Setup /etc/fstab, if you want the UUID of the disk use `blkid`.
sync # For good measure
reboot now
Now you can ssh on port 22 again, yes the fingerprint will have