Title: Python introduction Slug: python-initiation Date: 2023-01-17 15:41:00 Lang: en This is the first one of my two Python trainings, it has no prerequisites. ## Goals At the end for this trainings, trainees are know the Python basics and are able to write simple software, maintain it, and modify existing software. - Implement a simple program resolving a well defined task. - Read, understand, and modify Python code written by someone else. - Redact tests. ## Content - Builtin types (`bool`, `int`, `float`, `str`, …) - Operators - Variables - Functions - Instructions (`for`, `if`, `while`, …) - Methods - List comprehensions - Slices - Classes - `pip` and `venvs` - Packaging Python - Good habits ## Duration This training spans on three days, ideally. ## Contact To know more, please shoot me an email at [julien@palard.fr](mailto:julien@palard.fr).