--- Title: A JustInTime class Date: 2008-08-30 00:10:55 --- I discovered in my code a redundant pattern : :::csharp private SomeType _something; private SomeType something { get { if (_something == null) _something = new SomeType(....); return _something;} } Usefull in Silverlight, when your Blender always say "Can't compile ! Strange errors ! but compiles when i comment your WebClient... in ctor of that class..." So i use it to have members builded the first time they are used, "Just in time". /!\\ It's not a Singleton ! i can have others instance of this class new-ing it directly ! /!\\ Singleton is Evil // feed the Troll So i factorized it : :::csharp public class Jit { T _instance; object[] _ctor_params; public Jit(object[] ctor_params) { _ctor_params = ctor_params; } public Jit() { } public T create(object[] ctor_params) { Type[] param_types = ctor_params.Aggregate>( new List(), (List lt, object o) => { lt.Add(o.GetType()); return lt; }).ToArray(); var ctor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(param_types); if (ctor == null) throw new Exception(param_types.Aggregate( "No constructor found for " + typeof(T).Name + " taking", (string i, Type t) => { return i + " " + t.Name; })); return (T)ctor.Invoke(_ctor_params); } public T create() { return (_ctor_params == null) ? create(new object[] { }) : create(_ctor_params); } public T single() { if (_instance == null) _instance = create(); return _instance; } } A usage demo: :::csharp public class Test { Test(string foo, int bar) { Console.WriteLine("Test ctor with : " + foo + " and " + bar); } public void foo() { Console.WriteLine("bar"); } } public partial class Page : UserControl { public event EventHandler my_event; private Jit test = new Jit(new object[]{"42", 42}); public Page() { InitializeComponent(); // test is not yet built test.single().foo(); // Whill build a Test and call foo() test.single().foo(); // Whill call foo on the same Test. } } So a: :::csharp private SomeType _something; private SomeType something { get { if (_something == null) _something = new SomeType(....); return _something;} } become: :::csharp private Jit something = new Jit(new object[]{...}); Note the Jit ctor, taking a array of objects, it's the objects to pass to your ctor's class (found by reflection using their types).