Title: C# Using alias directives Just found in section 9.4.1 of the C# language specification: The `using` keyword can be used to alias a namespace or a type name: *using-alias-directive: using identifier = namespace-or-type-name ;* You can read more about that here : [csharp language specification.doc](http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/8/8/388e7205-bc10-4226-b2a8-75351c669b09/csharp%20language%20specification.doc), Or just try to use it: :::csharp // As the specification show it : namespace N1.N2 { class A {} } namespace N3 { using A = N1.N2.A; class B: A {} } // My foobar exemple : namespace Foo { using Bar = Dictionary; } Enjoy!