Title: Julien Palard description: Julien Palard - mdk.fr status: hidden lang: en URL: save_as: index.html CPython core developer, PSF fellow, independent Python trainer. My projects: - I build an interactive Python learning tool: [hackinscience.org](https://hackinscience.org/), it's free and [open-source](https://framagit.org/hackinscience/). - I help translating the [Python documentation in French](https://docs.python.org/fr/) (come and help [here](https://github.com/python/python-docs-fr)). - Other projects on [AFPy's gitea](https://git.afpy.org/mdk) and [my github](https://github.com/JulienPalard). If you want to get in touch: - By email: julien@palard.fr. - On [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org): [@mdk@mamot.fr](https://mamot.fr/@mdk) - On [IRC](https://web.libera.chat/#python-fr): `mdk`. - Using [XMPP](https://xmpp.chapril.org/i/mdk@chapril.org): mdk@chapril.org. - Here is My [GPG key](/Julien-Palard.pdf) and my [SSH keys](/id_rsa.pub).