--- Title: Python: Consulting PEPs from command line, while being offline Date: 2011-04-13 14:20:11 --- One day I wished I could read PEPs in the tube on my laptop... so I searched for a convenient way to do so, and I didn't found ... So I wrote a very simple shell script you can found here : https://github.com/julienpalard/pep I'm currently packaging it for Debian and trying to put it on PyPI, (help is welcome :-) I don't have so much time) but you can make it work just by downloading the script here : https://github.com/JulienPalard/pep/raw/master/pep The script is very simple to use, first you can change a bit its configuration, typically change the LOCAL\_PEP\_PATH to something writeable for a use to don't have to be root to update you PEPs (As running an unknown script as root is a bit scary ) Then you should run \`./pep upgrade with progress\` to download PEPs to you LOCAL\_PEP\_PATH, and then just do a './pep 8' to read the PEP 8 ! Others features include searching using regex, you can read about it here reading the README the -h or the manpage. Hope you'll enjoy it!