import logging import os import pickle from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from typing import cast from typing import Dict from potodo import __version__ as VERSION from potodo.po_file import PoFileStats def get_cache_file_content( path: str = ".potodo/cache.pickle", ) -> Dict[Path, PoFileStats]: logging.debug("Trying to load cache from %s", path) try: with open(path, "rb") as handle: data = pickle.load(handle) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning("No cache found") return {} else: logging.debug("Found cache") if data.get("version") != VERSION:"Found old cache, ignored it.") return {} else: return cast(Dict[Path, PoFileStats], data["data"]) def set_cache_content( obj: Dict[Path, PoFileStats], path: str = ".potodo/cache.pickle" ) -> None: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) data = {"version": VERSION, "data": obj} with NamedTemporaryFile( mode="wb", delete=False, dir=str(Path(path).parent), prefix=Path(path).name ) as tmp: pickle.dump(data, tmp) os.rename(, path) logging.debug("Set cache to %s", path)