
213 lines
7.5 KiB

import itertools
import logging
import os
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, cast
import polib
from potodo import __version__ as VERSION
class PoFileStats:
"""Statistics about a po file.
Contains all the necessary information about the progress of a given po file.
def __init__(self, path: Path):
"""Initializes the class with all the correct information"""
self.path: Path = path
self.filename: str = path.name
self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
self.pofile: polib.POFile = polib.pofile(str(self.path))
self.directory: str = self.path.parent.name
self.reserved_by: Optional[str] = None
self.reservation_date: Optional[str] = None
self.obsolete_entries: Sequence[polib.POEntry] = self.pofile.obsolete_entries()
self.obsolete_nb: int = len(self.pofile.obsolete_entries())
self.fuzzy_entries: List[polib.POEntry] = [
entry for entry in self.pofile if entry.fuzzy and not entry.obsolete
self.fuzzy_nb: int = len(self.fuzzy_entries)
self.translated_entries: Sequence[
] = self.pofile.translated_entries()
self.translated_nb: int = len(self.translated_entries)
self.untranslated_entries: Sequence[
] = self.pofile.untranslated_entries()
self.untranslated_nb: int = len(self.untranslated_entries)
self.entries_count: int = len([e for e in self.pofile if not e.obsolete])
self.percent_translated: int = self.pofile.percent_translated()
self.entries = len(self.pofile) - self.obsolete_nb
self.filename_dir: str = self.directory + "/" + self.filename
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
f"Filename: {self.filename}\n"
f"Fuzzy Entries: {self.fuzzy_entries}\n"
f"Percent Translated: {self.percent_translated}\n"
f"Translated Entries: {self.translated_entries}\n"
f"Untranslated Entries: {self.untranslated_entries}"
def __lt__(self, other: "PoFileStats") -> bool:
"""When two PoFiles are compared, their filenames are compared."""
return self.filename < other.filename
def reservation_str(self, with_reservation_dates: bool = False) -> str:
if self.reserved_by is None:
return ""
as_string = f"reserved by {self.reserved_by}"
if with_reservation_dates:
as_string += f" ({self.reservation_date})"
return as_string
def missing(self) -> int:
return len(self.fuzzy_entries) + len(self.untranslated_entries)
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"name": f"{self.directory}/{self.filename.replace('.po', '')}",
"path": str(self.path),
"entries": self.entries,
"fuzzies": self.fuzzy_nb,
"translated": self.translated_nb,
"percent_translated": self.percent_translated,
"reserved_by": self.reserved_by,
"reservation_date": self.reservation_date,
class PoDirectoryStats:
"""Represent a directory containing multiple `.po` files."""
def __init__(self, path: Path, files: Sequence[PoFileStats]):
self.path = path
self.files = files
def translated(self) -> int:
"""Qty of translated entries in the po files of this directory."""
return sum(po_file.translated_nb for po_file in self.files)
def entries(self) -> int:
"""Qty of entries in the po files of this directory."""
return sum(po_file.entries_count for po_file in self.files)
def completion(self) -> float:
"""Return % of completion of this directory."""
return 100 * self.translated / self.entries
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.path == other.path
def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return self.path < other.path
def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return self.path <= other.path
def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return self.path > other.path
def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
return NotImplemented
return self.path >= other.path
class PoProjectStats:
"""Represents the root of the hierarchy of `.po` files."""
def __init__(self, path: Path):
self.path = path
# self.files can be persisted on disk
# using `.write_cache()` and `.read_cache()
self.files: List[PoFileStats] = []
def filter(self, filter_func: Callable[[PoFileStats], bool]) -> None:
self.files = [po_file for po_file in self.files if filter_func(po_file)]
def translated(self) -> int:
"""Qty of translated entries in the po files of this directory."""
return sum(directory.translated for directory in self.stats_by_directory())
def entries(self) -> int:
"""Qty of entries in the po files of this directory."""
return sum(directory.entries for directory in self.stats_by_directory())
def completion(self) -> float:
"""Return % of completion of this project."""
return 100 * self.translated / self.entries
def rescan(self) -> None:
"""Scan disk to search for po files.
This is the only function that hit the disk.
for path in list(self.path.rglob("*.po")):
if path not in self.files:
def stats_by_directory(self) -> List[PoDirectoryStats]:
return [
PoDirectoryStats(directory, list(po_files))
for directory, po_files in itertools.groupby(
self.files, key=lambda po_file: po_file.path.parent
def read_cache(
cache_path: Path = Path(".potodo/cache.pickle"),
) -> None:
"""Restore all PoFileStats from disk.
While reading the cache, outdated entires are **not** loaded.
logging.debug("Trying to load cache from %s", cache_path)
with open(cache_path, "rb") as handle:
data = pickle.load(handle)
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.warning("No cache found")
logging.debug("Found cache")
if data.get("version") != VERSION:
logging.info("Found old cache, ignored it.")
for po_file in cast(List[PoFileStats], data["data"]):
if os.path.getmtime(po_file.path.resolve()) == po_file.mtime:
def write_cache(self, cache_path: Path = Path(".potodo/cache.pickle")) -> None:
"""Persists all PoFileStats to disk."""
os.makedirs(cache_path.parent, exist_ok=True)
data = {"version": VERSION, "data": self.files}
with NamedTemporaryFile(
mode="wb", delete=False, dir=str(cache_path.parent), prefix=cache_path.name
) as tmp:
pickle.dump(data, tmp)
os.rename(tmp.name, cache_path)
logging.debug("Wrote PoProjectStats cache to %s", cache_path)