
78 lines
2.6 KiB

from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils import nodes
class Availability(Directive):
has_content = True
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
# known platform, libc, and threading implementations
known_platforms = frozenset({
"AIX", "Android", "BSD", "DragonFlyBSD", "Emscripten", "FreeBSD",
"Linux", "NetBSD", "OpenBSD", "POSIX", "Solaris", "Unix", "VxWorks",
"WASI", "Windows", "macOS",
# libc
"BSD libc", "glibc", "musl",
# POSIX platforms with pthreads
def run(self):
availability_ref = ':ref:`Availability <availability>`: '
pnode = nodes.paragraph(availability_ref + self.arguments[0],
n, m = self.state.inline_text(availability_ref, self.lineno)
pnode.extend(n + m)
n, m = self.state.inline_text(self.arguments[0], self.lineno)
pnode.extend(n + m)
if self.content:
self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, pnode)
return [pnode]
def parse_platforms(self):
"""Parse platform information from arguments
Arguments is a comma-separated string of platforms. A platform may
be prefixed with "not " to indicate that a feature is not available.
.. availability:: Windows, Linux >= 4.2, not Emscripten, not WASI
Arguments like "Linux >= 3.17 with glibc >= 2.27" are currently not
parsed into separate tokens.
platforms = {}
for arg in self.arguments[0].rstrip(".").split(","):
arg = arg.strip()
platform, _, version = arg.partition(" >= ")
if platform.startswith("not "):
version = False
platform = platform[4:]
elif not version:
version = True
platforms[platform] = version
unknown = set(platforms).difference(self.known_platforms)
if unknown:
cls = type(self)
logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__qualname__)
f"Unknown platform(s) or syntax '{' '.join(sorted(unknown))}' "
f"in '.. availability:: {self.arguments[0]}', see "
f"{__file__}:{cls.__qualname__}.known_platforms for a set "
"known platforms."
return platforms
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('availability', Availability)
return {'version': '1.0', 'parallel_read_safe': True}