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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# For licence information, see README file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-01-15 22:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-04 11:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Julien Palard <julien@palard.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: FRENCH <traductions@lists.afpy.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
#: library/curses.rst:2
msgid ":mod:`curses` --- Terminal handling for character-cell displays"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:12
msgid "**Source code:** :source:`Lib/curses`"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:16
msgid ""
"The :mod:`curses` module provides an interface to the curses library, the de-"
"facto standard for portable advanced terminal handling."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:19
msgid ""
"While curses is most widely used in the Unix environment, versions are "
"available for Windows, DOS, and possibly other systems as well. This "
"extension module is designed to match the API of ncurses, an open-source "
"curses library hosted on Linux and the BSD variants of Unix."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:26
msgid ""
"Whenever the documentation mentions a *character* it can be specified as an "
"integer, a one-character Unicode string or a one-byte byte string."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:29
msgid ""
"Whenever the documentation mentions a *character string* it can be specified "
"as a Unicode string or a byte string."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:35
msgid "Module :mod:`curses.ascii`"
msgstr "Module :mod:`curses.ascii`"
#: library/curses.rst:35
msgid ""
"Utilities for working with ASCII characters, regardless of your locale "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:38
msgid "Module :mod:`curses.panel`"
msgstr "Module :mod:`curses.panel`"
#: library/curses.rst:38
msgid "A panel stack extension that adds depth to curses windows."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:41
msgid "Module :mod:`curses.textpad`"
msgstr "Module :mod:`curses.textpad`"
#: library/curses.rst:41
msgid ""
"Editable text widget for curses supporting :program:`Emacs`\\ -like "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:45
msgid ":ref:`curses-howto`"
msgstr ":ref:`curses-howto`"
#: library/curses.rst:44
msgid ""
"Tutorial material on using curses with Python, by Andrew Kuchling and Eric "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:47
msgid ""
"The :source:`Tools/demo/` directory in the Python source distribution "
"contains some example programs using the curses bindings provided by this "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:54
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Fonctions"
#: library/curses.rst:56
msgid "The module :mod:`curses` defines the following exception:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:61
msgid "Exception raised when a curses library function returns an error."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:65
msgid ""
"Whenever *x* or *y* arguments to a function or a method are optional, they "
"default to the current cursor location. Whenever *attr* is optional, it "
"defaults to :const:`A_NORMAL`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:69
msgid "The module :mod:`curses` defines the following functions:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:74
msgid ""
"Return the output speed of the terminal in bits per second. On software "
"terminal emulators it will have a fixed high value. Included for historical "
"reasons; in former times, it was used to write output loops for time delays "
"and occasionally to change interfaces depending on the line speed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:82
msgid "Emit a short attention sound."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:87
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` or ``False``, depending on whether the programmer can change "
"the colors displayed by the terminal."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:93
msgid ""
"Enter cbreak mode. In cbreak mode (sometimes called \"rare\" mode) normal "
"tty line buffering is turned off and characters are available to be read one "
"by one. However, unlike raw mode, special characters (interrupt, quit, "
"suspend, and flow control) retain their effects on the tty driver and "
"calling program. Calling first :func:`raw` then :func:`cbreak` leaves the "
"terminal in cbreak mode."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:102
msgid ""
"Return the intensity of the red, green, and blue (RGB) components in the "
"color *color_number*, which must be between ``0`` and ``COLORS - 1``. "
"Return a 3-tuple, containing the R,G,B values for the given color, which "
"will be between ``0`` (no component) and ``1000`` (maximum amount of "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:110
msgid ""
"Return the attribute value for displaying text in the specified color pair. "
"Only the first 256 color pairs are supported. This attribute value can be "
"combined with :const:`A_STANDOUT`, :const:`A_REVERSE`, and the other :const:"
"`A_\\*` attributes. :func:`pair_number` is the counterpart to this function."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:119
msgid ""
"Set the cursor state. *visibility* can be set to ``0``, ``1``, or ``2``, "
"for invisible, normal, or very visible. If the terminal supports the "
"visibility requested, return the previous cursor state; otherwise raise an "
"exception. On many terminals, the \"visible\" mode is an underline cursor "
"and the \"very visible\" mode is a block cursor."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:128
msgid ""
"Save the current terminal mode as the \"program\" mode, the mode when the "
"running program is using curses. (Its counterpart is the \"shell\" mode, "
"for when the program is not in curses.) Subsequent calls to :func:"
"`reset_prog_mode` will restore this mode."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:136
msgid ""
"Save the current terminal mode as the \"shell\" mode, the mode when the "
"running program is not using curses. (Its counterpart is the \"program\" "
"mode, when the program is using curses capabilities.) Subsequent calls to :"
"func:`reset_shell_mode` will restore this mode."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:144
msgid "Insert an *ms* millisecond pause in output."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:149
msgid ""
"Update the physical screen. The curses library keeps two data structures, "
"one representing the current physical screen contents and a virtual screen "
"representing the desired next state. The :func:`doupdate` ground updates "
"the physical screen to match the virtual screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:154
msgid ""
"The virtual screen may be updated by a :meth:`~window.noutrefresh` call "
"after write operations such as :meth:`~window.addstr` have been performed on "
"a window. The normal :meth:`~window.refresh` call is simply :meth:`!"
"noutrefresh` followed by :func:`!doupdate`; if you have to update multiple "
"windows, you can speed performance and perhaps reduce screen flicker by "
"issuing :meth:`!noutrefresh` calls on all windows, followed by a single :"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:164
msgid ""
"Enter echo mode. In echo mode, each character input is echoed to the screen "
"as it is entered."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:170
msgid "De-initialize the library, and return terminal to normal status."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:175
msgid ""
"Return the user's current erase character as a one-byte bytes object. Under "
"Unix operating systems this is a property of the controlling tty of the "
"curses program, and is not set by the curses library itself."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:182
msgid ""
"The :func:`.filter` routine, if used, must be called before :func:`initscr` "
"is called. The effect is that, during those calls, :envvar:`LINES` is set "
"to ``1``; the capabilities ``clear``, ``cup``, ``cud``, ``cud1``, ``cuu1``, "
"``cuu``, ``vpa`` are disabled; and the ``home`` string is set to the value "
"of ``cr``. The effect is that the cursor is confined to the current line, "
"and so are screen updates. This may be used for enabling character-at-a-"
"time line editing without touching the rest of the screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:192
msgid ""
"Flash the screen. That is, change it to reverse-video and then change it "
"back in a short interval. Some people prefer such as 'visible bell' to the "
"audible attention signal produced by :func:`beep`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:199
msgid ""
"Flush all input buffers. This throws away any typeahead that has been "
"typed by the user and has not yet been processed by the program."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:205
msgid ""
"After :meth:`~window.getch` returns :const:`KEY_MOUSE` to signal a mouse "
"event, this method should be called to retrieve the queued mouse event, "
"represented as a 5-tuple ``(id, x, y, z, bstate)``. *id* is an ID value used "
"to distinguish multiple devices, and *x*, *y*, *z* are the event's "
"coordinates. (*z* is currently unused.) *bstate* is an integer value whose "
"bits will be set to indicate the type of event, and will be the bitwise OR "
"of one or more of the following constants, where *n* is the button number "
"from 1 to 5: :const:`BUTTONn_PRESSED`, :const:`BUTTONn_RELEASED`, :const:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:216
msgid ""
"The ``BUTTON5_*`` constants are now exposed if they are provided by the "
"underlying curses library."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:223
msgid ""
"Return the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor as a tuple ``(y, "
"x)``. If :meth:`leaveok <window.leaveok>` is currently ``True``, then "
"return ``(-1, -1)``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:229
msgid ""
"Read window related data stored in the file by an earlier :func:`putwin` "
"call. The routine then creates and initializes a new window using that data, "
"returning the new window object."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:236
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the terminal can display colors; otherwise, return "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:240
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the module supports extended colors; otherwise, return "
"``False``. Extended color support allows more than 256 color pairs for "
"terminals that support more than 16 colors (e.g. xterm-256color)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:244
msgid "Extended color support requires ncurses version 6.1 or later."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:250
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the terminal has insert- and delete-character "
"capabilities. This function is included for historical reasons only, as all "
"modern software terminal emulators have such capabilities."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:257
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the terminal has insert- and delete-line capabilities, or "
"can simulate them using scrolling regions. This function is included for "
"historical reasons only, as all modern software terminal emulators have such "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:265
msgid ""
"Take a key value *ch*, and return ``True`` if the current terminal type "
"recognizes a key with that value."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:271
msgid ""
"Used for half-delay mode, which is similar to cbreak mode in that characters "
"typed by the user are immediately available to the program. However, after "
"blocking for *tenths* tenths of seconds, raise an exception if nothing has "
"been typed. The value of *tenths* must be a number between ``1`` and "
"``255``. Use :func:`nocbreak` to leave half-delay mode."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:280
msgid ""
"Change the definition of a color, taking the number of the color to be "
"changed followed by three RGB values (for the amounts of red, green, and "
"blue components). The value of *color_number* must be between ``0`` and "
"``COLORS - 1``. Each of *r*, *g*, *b*, must be a value between ``0`` and "
"``1000``. When :func:`init_color` is used, all occurrences of that color on "
"the screen immediately change to the new definition. This function is a no-"
"op on most terminals; it is active only if :func:`can_change_color` returns "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:291
msgid ""
"Change the definition of a color-pair. It takes three arguments: the number "
"of the color-pair to be changed, the foreground color number, and the "
"background color number. The value of *pair_number* must be between ``1`` "
"and ``COLOR_PAIRS - 1`` (the ``0`` color pair is wired to white on black and "
"cannot be changed). The value of *fg* and *bg* arguments must be between "
"``0`` and ``COLORS - 1``, or, after calling :func:`use_default_colors`, "
"``-1``. If the color-pair was previously initialized, the screen is "
"refreshed and all occurrences of that color-pair are changed to the new "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:304
msgid ""
"Initialize the library. Return a :ref:`window <curses-window-objects>` "
"object which represents the whole screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:309
msgid ""
"If there is an error opening the terminal, the underlying curses library may "
"cause the interpreter to exit."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:315
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if :func:`resize_term` would modify the window structure, "
"``False`` otherwise."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:321
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if :func:`endwin` has been called (that is, the curses "
"library has been deinitialized)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:327
msgid ""
"Return the name of the key numbered *k* as a bytes object. The name of a "
"key generating printable ASCII character is the key's character. The name "
"of a control-key combination is a two-byte bytes object consisting of a "
"caret (``b'^'``) followed by the corresponding printable ASCII character. "
"The name of an alt-key combination (128--255) is a bytes object consisting "
"of the prefix ``b'M-'`` followed by the name of the corresponding ASCII "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:337
msgid ""
"Return the user's current line kill character as a one-byte bytes object. "
"Under Unix operating systems this is a property of the controlling tty of "
"the curses program, and is not set by the curses library itself."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:344
msgid ""
"Return a bytes object containing the terminfo long name field describing the "
"current terminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 "
"characters. It is defined only after the call to :func:`initscr`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:351
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, allow 8-bit characters to be input. If *flag* is "
"``False``, allow only 7-bit chars."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:357
msgid ""
"Set the maximum time in milliseconds that can elapse between press and "
"release events in order for them to be recognized as a click, and return the "
"previous interval value. The default value is 200 milliseconds, or one "
"fifth of a second."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:364
msgid ""
"Set the mouse events to be reported, and return a tuple ``(availmask, "
"oldmask)``. *availmask* indicates which of the specified mouse events can "
"be reported; on complete failure it returns ``0``. *oldmask* is the "
"previous value of the given window's mouse event mask. If this function is "
"never called, no mouse events are ever reported."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:373
msgid "Sleep for *ms* milliseconds."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:378
msgid ""
"Create and return a pointer to a new pad data structure with the given "
"number of lines and columns. Return a pad as a window object."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:381
msgid ""
"A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the screen size, "
"and is not necessarily associated with a particular part of the screen. "
"Pads can be used when a large window is needed, and only a part of the "
"window will be on the screen at one time. Automatic refreshes of pads (such "
"as from scrolling or echoing of input) do not occur. The :meth:`~window."
"refresh` and :meth:`~window.noutrefresh` methods of a pad require 6 "
"arguments to specify the part of the pad to be displayed and the location on "
"the screen to be used for the display. The arguments are *pminrow*, "
"*pmincol*, *sminrow*, *smincol*, *smaxrow*, *smaxcol*; the *p* arguments "
"refer to the upper left corner of the pad region to be displayed and the *s* "
"arguments define a clipping box on the screen within which the pad region is "
"to be displayed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:397
msgid ""
"Return a new :ref:`window <curses-window-objects>`, whose left-upper corner "
"is at ``(begin_y, begin_x)``, and whose height/width is *nlines*/*ncols*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:400
msgid ""
"By default, the window will extend from the specified position to the lower "
"right corner of the screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:406
msgid ""
"Enter newline mode. This mode translates the return key into newline on "
"input, and translates newline into return and line-feed on output. Newline "
"mode is initially on."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:413
msgid ""
"Leave cbreak mode. Return to normal \"cooked\" mode with line buffering."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:418
msgid "Leave echo mode. Echoing of input characters is turned off."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:423
msgid ""
"Leave newline mode. Disable translation of return into newline on input, "
"and disable low-level translation of newline into newline/return on output "
"(but this does not change the behavior of ``addch('\\n')``, which always "
"does the equivalent of return and line feed on the virtual screen). With "
"translation off, curses can sometimes speed up vertical motion a little; "
"also, it will be able to detect the return key on input."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:433
msgid ""
"When the :func:`!noqiflush` routine is used, normal flush of input and "
"output queues associated with the ``INTR``, ``QUIT`` and ``SUSP`` characters "
"will not be done. You may want to call :func:`!noqiflush` in a signal "
"handler if you want output to continue as though the interrupt had not "
"occurred, after the handler exits."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:441
msgid "Leave raw mode. Return to normal \"cooked\" mode with line buffering."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:446
msgid ""
"Return a tuple ``(fg, bg)`` containing the colors for the requested color "
"pair. The value of *pair_number* must be between ``0`` and ``COLOR_PAIRS - "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:452
msgid ""
"Return the number of the color-pair set by the attribute value *attr*. :func:"
"`color_pair` is the counterpart to this function."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:458
msgid ""
"Equivalent to ``tputs(str, 1, putchar)``; emit the value of a specified "
"terminfo capability for the current terminal. Note that the output of :func:"
"`putp` always goes to standard output."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:465
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``False``, the effect is the same as calling :func:`noqiflush`. "
"If *flag* is ``True``, or no argument is provided, the queues will be "
"flushed when these control characters are read."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:472
msgid ""
"Enter raw mode. In raw mode, normal line buffering and processing of "
"interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control keys are turned off; characters "
"are presented to curses input functions one by one."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:479
msgid ""
"Restore the terminal to \"program\" mode, as previously saved by :func:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:485
msgid ""
"Restore the terminal to \"shell\" mode, as previously saved by :func:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:491
msgid ""
"Restore the state of the terminal modes to what it was at the last call to :"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:497
msgid ""
"Backend function used by :func:`resizeterm`, performing most of the work; "
"when resizing the windows, :func:`resize_term` blank-fills the areas that "
"are extended. The calling application should fill in these areas with "
"appropriate data. The :func:`!resize_term` function attempts to resize all "
"windows. However, due to the calling convention of pads, it is not possible "
"to resize these without additional interaction with the application."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:507
msgid ""
"Resize the standard and current windows to the specified dimensions, and "
"adjusts other bookkeeping data used by the curses library that record the "
"window dimensions (in particular the SIGWINCH handler)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:514
msgid ""
"Save the current state of the terminal modes in a buffer, usable by :func:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:519
msgid "Retrieves the value set by :func:`set_escdelay`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:525
msgid ""
"Sets the number of milliseconds to wait after reading an escape character, "
"to distinguish between an individual escape character entered on the "
"keyboard from escape sequences sent by cursor and function keys."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:533
msgid "Retrieves the value set by :func:`set_tabsize`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:539
msgid ""
"Sets the number of columns used by the curses library when converting a tab "
"character to spaces as it adds the tab to a window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:546
msgid ""
"Set the virtual screen cursor to *y*, *x*. If *y* and *x* are both ``-1``, "
"then :meth:`leaveok <window.leaveok>` is set ``True``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:552
msgid ""
"Initialize the terminal. *term* is a string giving the terminal name, or "
"``None``; if omitted or ``None``, the value of the :envvar:`TERM` "
"environment variable will be used. *fd* is the file descriptor to which any "
"initialization sequences will be sent; if not supplied or ``-1``, the file "
"descriptor for ``sys.stdout`` will be used."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:561
msgid ""
"Must be called if the programmer wants to use colors, and before any other "
"color manipulation routine is called. It is good practice to call this "
"routine right after :func:`initscr`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:565
msgid ""
":func:`start_color` initializes eight basic colors (black, red, green, "
"yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and two global variables in the :"
"mod:`curses` module, :const:`COLORS` and :const:`COLOR_PAIRS`, containing "
"the maximum number of colors and color-pairs the terminal can support. It "
"also restores the colors on the terminal to the values they had when the "
"terminal was just turned on."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:574
msgid ""
"Return a logical OR of all video attributes supported by the terminal. This "
"information is useful when a curses program needs complete control over the "
"appearance of the screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:581
msgid ""
"Return the value of the environment variable :envvar:`TERM`, as a bytes "
"object, truncated to 14 characters."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:587
msgid ""
"Return the value of the Boolean capability corresponding to the terminfo "
"capability name *capname* as an integer. Return the value ``-1`` if "
"*capname* is not a Boolean capability, or ``0`` if it is canceled or absent "
"from the terminal description."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:595
msgid ""
"Return the value of the numeric capability corresponding to the terminfo "
"capability name *capname* as an integer. Return the value ``-2`` if "
"*capname* is not a numeric capability, or ``-1`` if it is canceled or absent "
"from the terminal description."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:603
msgid ""
"Return the value of the string capability corresponding to the terminfo "
"capability name *capname* as a bytes object. Return ``None`` if *capname* "
"is not a terminfo \"string capability\", or is canceled or absent from the "
"terminal description."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:611
msgid ""
"Instantiate the bytes object *str* with the supplied parameters, where *str* "
"should be a parameterized string obtained from the terminfo database. E.g. "
"``tparm(tigetstr(\"cup\"), 5, 3)`` could result in ``b'\\033[6;4H'``, the "
"exact result depending on terminal type."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:619
msgid ""
"Specify that the file descriptor *fd* be used for typeahead checking. If "
"*fd* is ``-1``, then no typeahead checking is done."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:622
msgid ""
"The curses library does \"line-breakout optimization\" by looking for "
"typeahead periodically while updating the screen. If input is found, and it "
"is coming from a tty, the current update is postponed until refresh or "
"doupdate is called again, allowing faster response to commands typed in "
"advance. This function allows specifying a different file descriptor for "
"typeahead checking."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:631
msgid ""
"Return a bytes object which is a printable representation of the character "
"*ch*. Control characters are represented as a caret followed by the "
"character, for example as ``b'^C'``. Printing characters are left as they "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:638
msgid "Push *ch* so the next :meth:`~window.getch` will return it."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:642
msgid "Only one *ch* can be pushed before :meth:`!getch` is called."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:647
msgid ""
"Update :envvar:`LINES` and :envvar:`COLS`. Useful for detecting manual "
"screen resize."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:654
msgid "Push *ch* so the next :meth:`~window.get_wch` will return it."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:658
msgid "Only one *ch* can be pushed before :meth:`!get_wch` is called."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:665
msgid ""
"Push a :const:`KEY_MOUSE` event onto the input queue, associating the given "
"state data with it."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:671
msgid ""
"If used, this function should be called before :func:`initscr` or newterm "
"are called. When *flag* is ``False``, the values of lines and columns "
"specified in the terminfo database will be used, even if environment "
"variables :envvar:`LINES` and :envvar:`COLUMNS` (used by default) are set, "
"or if curses is running in a window (in which case default behavior would be "
"to use the window size if :envvar:`LINES` and :envvar:`COLUMNS` are not set)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:681
msgid ""
"Allow use of default values for colors on terminals supporting this feature. "
"Use this to support transparency in your application. The default color is "
"assigned to the color number ``-1``. After calling this function, "
"``init_pair(x, curses.COLOR_RED, -1)`` initializes, for instance, color pair "
"*x* to a red foreground color on the default background."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:690
msgid ""
"Initialize curses and call another callable object, *func*, which should be "
"the rest of your curses-using application. If the application raises an "
"exception, this function will restore the terminal to a sane state before re-"
"raising the exception and generating a traceback. The callable object "
"*func* is then passed the main window 'stdscr' as its first argument, "
"followed by any other arguments passed to :func:`!wrapper`. Before calling "
"*func*, :func:`!wrapper` turns on cbreak mode, turns off echo, enables the "
"terminal keypad, and initializes colors if the terminal has color support. "
"On exit (whether normally or by exception) it restores cooked mode, turns on "
"echo, and disables the terminal keypad."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:704
msgid "Window Objects"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:706
msgid ""
"Window objects, as returned by :func:`initscr` and :func:`newwin` above, "
"have the following methods and attributes:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:713
msgid ""
"Paint character *ch* at ``(y, x)`` with attributes *attr*, overwriting any "
"character previously painted at that location. By default, the character "
"position and attributes are the current settings for the window object."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:719
msgid ""
"Writing outside the window, subwindow, or pad raises a :exc:`curses.error`. "
"Attempting to write to the lower right corner of a window, subwindow, or pad "
"will cause an exception to be raised after the character is printed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:727
msgid ""
"Paint at most *n* characters of the character string *str* at ``(y, x)`` "
"with attributes *attr*, overwriting anything previously on the display."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:735
msgid ""
"Paint the character string *str* at ``(y, x)`` with attributes *attr*, "
"overwriting anything previously on the display."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:740
msgid ""
"Writing outside the window, subwindow, or pad raises :exc:`curses.error`. "
"Attempting to write to the lower right corner of a window, subwindow, or pad "
"will cause an exception to be raised after the string is printed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:744
msgid ""
"A `bug in ncurses <https://bugs.python.org/issue35924>`_, the backend for "
"this Python module, can cause SegFaults when resizing windows. This is fixed "
"in ncurses-6.1-20190511. If you are stuck with an earlier ncurses, you can "
"avoid triggering this if you do not call :func:`addstr` with a *str* that "
"has embedded newlines. Instead, call :func:`addstr` separately for each "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:754
msgid ""
"Remove attribute *attr* from the \"background\" set applied to all writes to "
"the current window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:760
msgid ""
"Add attribute *attr* from the \"background\" set applied to all writes to "
"the current window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:766
msgid ""
"Set the \"background\" set of attributes to *attr*. This set is initially "
"``0`` (no attributes)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:772
msgid ""
"Set the background property of the window to the character *ch*, with "
"attributes *attr*. The change is then applied to every character position "
"in that window:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:776
msgid ""
"The attribute of every character in the window is changed to the new "
"background attribute."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:779
msgid ""
"Wherever the former background character appears, it is changed to the new "
"background character."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:785
msgid ""
"Set the window's background. A window's background consists of a character "
"and any combination of attributes. The attribute part of the background is "
"combined (OR'ed) with all non-blank characters that are written into the "
"window. Both the character and attribute parts of the background are "
"combined with the blank characters. The background becomes a property of "
"the character and moves with the character through any scrolling and insert/"
"delete line/character operations."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:795
msgid ""
"Draw a border around the edges of the window. Each parameter specifies the "
"character to use for a specific part of the border; see the table below for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:801
msgid ""
"A ``0`` value for any parameter will cause the default character to be used "
"for that parameter. Keyword parameters can *not* be used. The defaults are "
"listed in this table:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:806
msgid "Parameter"
msgstr "Paramètre"
#: library/curses.rst:806
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: library/curses.rst:806
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut"
#: library/curses.rst:808
msgid "*ls*"
msgstr "*ls*"
#: library/curses.rst:808
msgid "Left side"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:810
msgid ":const:`ACS_VLINE`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_VLINE`"
#: library/curses.rst:810
msgid "*rs*"
msgstr "*rs*"
#: library/curses.rst:810
msgid "Right side"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:812
msgid "*ts*"
msgstr "*ts*"
#: library/curses.rst:812
msgid "Top"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:814
msgid ":const:`ACS_HLINE`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_HLINE`"
#: library/curses.rst:814
msgid "*bs*"
msgstr "*bs*"
#: library/curses.rst:814
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:816
msgid "*tl*"
msgstr "*tl*"
#: library/curses.rst:816
msgid "Upper-left corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:816
msgid ":const:`ACS_ULCORNER`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_ULCORNER`"
#: library/curses.rst:818
msgid "*tr*"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:818
msgid "Upper-right corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:818
msgid ":const:`ACS_URCORNER`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_URCORNER`"
#: library/curses.rst:820
msgid "*bl*"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:820
msgid "Bottom-left corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:820
msgid ":const:`ACS_LLCORNER`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_LLCORNER`"
#: library/curses.rst:822
msgid "*br*"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:822
msgid "Bottom-right corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:822
msgid ":const:`ACS_LRCORNER`"
msgstr ":const:`ACS_LRCORNER`"
#: library/curses.rst:828
msgid ""
"Similar to :meth:`border`, but both *ls* and *rs* are *vertch* and both *ts* "
"and *bs* are *horch*. The default corner characters are always used by this "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:837
msgid ""
"Set the attributes of *num* characters at the current cursor position, or at "
"position ``(y, x)`` if supplied. If *num* is not given or is ``-1``, the "
"attribute will be set on all the characters to the end of the line. This "
"function moves cursor to position ``(y, x)`` if supplied. The changed line "
"will be touched using the :meth:`touchline` method so that the contents will "
"be redisplayed by the next window refresh."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:847
msgid ""
"Like :meth:`erase`, but also cause the whole window to be repainted upon "
"next call to :meth:`refresh`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:853
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, the next call to :meth:`refresh` will clear the "
"window completely."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:859
msgid ""
"Erase from cursor to the end of the window: all lines below the cursor are "
"deleted, and then the equivalent of :meth:`clrtoeol` is performed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:865
msgid "Erase from cursor to the end of the line."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:870
msgid ""
"Update the current cursor position of all the ancestors of the window to "
"reflect the current cursor position of the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:876
msgid "Delete any character at ``(y, x)``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:881
msgid ""
"Delete the line under the cursor. All following lines are moved up by one "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:887
msgid ""
"An abbreviation for \"derive window\", :meth:`derwin` is the same as "
"calling :meth:`subwin`, except that *begin_y* and *begin_x* are relative to "
"the origin of the window, rather than relative to the entire screen. Return "
"a window object for the derived window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:895
msgid ""
"Add character *ch* with attribute *attr*, and immediately call :meth:"
"`refresh` on the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:901
msgid ""
"Test whether the given pair of screen-relative character-cell coordinates "
"are enclosed by the given window, returning ``True`` or ``False``. It is "
"useful for determining what subset of the screen windows enclose the "
"location of a mouse event."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:906
msgid "Previously it returned ``1`` or ``0`` instead of ``True`` or ``False``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:912
msgid ""
"Encoding used to encode method arguments (Unicode strings and characters). "
"The encoding attribute is inherited from the parent window when a subwindow "
"is created, for example with :meth:`window.subwin`. By default, current "
"locale encoding is used (see :func:`locale.getencoding`)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:922
msgid "Clear the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:927
msgid "Return a tuple ``(y, x)`` of co-ordinates of upper-left corner."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:932
msgid "Return the given window's current background character/attribute pair."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:937
msgid ""
"Get a character. Note that the integer returned does *not* have to be in "
"ASCII range: function keys, keypad keys and so on are represented by numbers "
"higher than 255. In no-delay mode, return ``-1`` if there is no input, "
"otherwise wait until a key is pressed."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:945
msgid ""
"Get a wide character. Return a character for most keys, or an integer for "
"function keys, keypad keys, and other special keys. In no-delay mode, raise "
"an exception if there is no input."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:954
msgid ""
"Get a character, returning a string instead of an integer, as :meth:`getch` "
"does. Function keys, keypad keys and other special keys return a multibyte "
"string containing the key name. In no-delay mode, raise an exception if "
"there is no input."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:962
msgid "Return a tuple ``(y, x)`` of the height and width of the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:967
msgid ""
"Return the beginning coordinates of this window relative to its parent "
"window as a tuple ``(y, x)``. Return ``(-1, -1)`` if this window has no "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:977
msgid ""
"Read a bytes object from the user, with primitive line editing capacity."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:982
msgid ""
"Return a tuple ``(y, x)`` of current cursor position relative to the "
"window's upper-left corner."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:989
msgid ""
"Display a horizontal line starting at ``(y, x)`` with length *n* consisting "
"of the character *ch*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:995
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``False``, curses no longer considers using the hardware insert/"
"delete character feature of the terminal; if *flag* is ``True``, use of "
"character insertion and deletion is enabled. When curses is first "
"initialized, use of character insert/delete is enabled by default."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1003
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, :mod:`curses` will try and use hardware line editing "
"facilities. Otherwise, line insertion/deletion are disabled."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1009
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, any change in the window image automatically causes "
"the window to be refreshed; you no longer have to call :meth:`refresh` "
"yourself. However, it may degrade performance considerably, due to repeated "
"calls to wrefresh. This option is disabled by default."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1017
msgid ""
"Return the character at the given position in the window. The bottom 8 bits "
"are the character proper, and upper bits are the attributes."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1024
msgid ""
"Paint character *ch* at ``(y, x)`` with attributes *attr*, moving the line "
"from position *x* right by one character."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1030
msgid ""
"Insert *nlines* lines into the specified window above the current line. The "
"*nlines* bottom lines are lost. For negative *nlines*, delete *nlines* "
"lines starting with the one under the cursor, and move the remaining lines "
"up. The bottom *nlines* lines are cleared. The current cursor position "
"remains the same."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1039
msgid ""
"Insert a blank line under the cursor. All following lines are moved down by "
"one line."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1046
msgid ""
"Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) "
"before the character under the cursor, up to *n* characters. If *n* is "
"zero or negative, the entire string is inserted. All characters to the right "
"of the cursor are shifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line "
"being lost. The cursor position does not change (after moving to *y*, *x*, "
"if specified)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1056
msgid ""
"Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) "
"before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right of the "
"cursor are shifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line being "
"lost. The cursor position does not change (after moving to *y*, *x*, if "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1065
msgid ""
"Return a bytes object of characters, extracted from the window starting at "
"the current cursor position, or at *y*, *x* if specified. Attributes are "
"stripped from the characters. If *n* is specified, :meth:`instr` returns a "
"string at most *n* characters long (exclusive of the trailing NUL)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1073
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the specified line was modified since the last call to :"
"meth:`refresh`; otherwise return ``False``. Raise a :exc:`curses.error` "
"exception if *line* is not valid for the given window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1080
msgid ""
"Return ``True`` if the specified window was modified since the last call to :"
"meth:`refresh`; otherwise return ``False``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1086
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, escape sequences generated by some keys (keypad, "
"function keys) will be interpreted by :mod:`curses`. If *flag* is ``False``, "
"escape sequences will be left as is in the input stream."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1093
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, cursor is left where it is on update, instead of "
"being at \"cursor position.\" This reduces cursor movement where possible. "
"If possible the cursor will be made invisible."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1097
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``False``, cursor will always be at \"cursor position\" after "
"an update."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1102
msgid "Move cursor to ``(new_y, new_x)``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1107
msgid ""
"Move the window inside its parent window. The screen-relative parameters of "
"the window are not changed. This routine is used to display different parts "
"of the parent window at the same physical position on the screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1114
msgid "Move the window so its upper-left corner is at ``(new_y, new_x)``."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1119
msgid "If *flag* is ``True``, :meth:`getch` will be non-blocking."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1124
msgid "If *flag* is ``True``, escape sequences will not be timed out."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1126
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``False``, after a few milliseconds, an escape sequence will "
"not be interpreted, and will be left in the input stream as is."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1132
msgid ""
"Mark for refresh but wait. This function updates the data structure "
"representing the desired state of the window, but does not force an update "
"of the physical screen. To accomplish that, call :func:`doupdate`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1139
msgid ""
"Overlay the window on top of *destwin*. The windows need not be the same "
"size, only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is non-destructive, "
"which means that the current background character does not overwrite the old "
"contents of *destwin*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1144
msgid ""
"To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of :meth:"
"`overlay` can be used. *sminrow* and *smincol* are the upper-left "
"coordinates of the source window, and the other variables mark a rectangle "
"in the destination window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1152
msgid ""
"Overwrite the window on top of *destwin*. The windows need not be the same "
"size, in which case only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is "
"destructive, which means that the current background character overwrites "
"the old contents of *destwin*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1157
msgid ""
"To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form of :meth:"
"`overwrite` can be used. *sminrow* and *smincol* are the upper-left "
"coordinates of the source window, the other variables mark a rectangle in "
"the destination window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1165
msgid ""
"Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. "
"This information can be later retrieved using the :func:`getwin` function."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1171
msgid ""
"Indicate that the *num* screen lines, starting at line *beg*, are corrupted "
"and should be completely redrawn on the next :meth:`refresh` call."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1177
msgid ""
"Touch the entire window, causing it to be completely redrawn on the next :"
"meth:`refresh` call."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1183
msgid ""
"Update the display immediately (sync actual screen with previous drawing/"
"deleting methods)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1186
msgid ""
"The 6 optional arguments can only be specified when the window is a pad "
"created with :func:`newpad`. The additional parameters are needed to "
"indicate what part of the pad and screen are involved. *pminrow* and "
"*pmincol* specify the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle to be "
"displayed in the pad. *sminrow*, *smincol*, *smaxrow*, and *smaxcol* "
"specify the edges of the rectangle to be displayed on the screen. The lower "
"right-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad is calculated "
"from the screen coordinates, since the rectangles must be the same size. "
"Both rectangles must be entirely contained within their respective "
"structures. Negative values of *pminrow*, *pmincol*, *sminrow*, or "
"*smincol* are treated as if they were zero."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1200
msgid ""
"Reallocate storage for a curses window to adjust its dimensions to the "
"specified values. If either dimension is larger than the current values, "
"the window's data is filled with blanks that have the current background "
"rendition (as set by :meth:`bkgdset`) merged into them."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1208
msgid "Scroll the screen or scrolling region upward by *lines* lines."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1213
msgid ""
"Control what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of "
"the window or scrolling region, either as a result of a newline action on "
"the bottom line, or typing the last character of the last line. If *flag* "
"is ``False``, the cursor is left on the bottom line. If *flag* is ``True``, "
"the window is scrolled up one line. Note that in order to get the physical "
"scrolling effect on the terminal, it is also necessary to call :meth:`idlok`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1223
msgid ""
"Set the scrolling region from line *top* to line *bottom*. All scrolling "
"actions will take place in this region."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1229
msgid ""
"Turn off the standout attribute. On some terminals this has the side effect "
"of turning off all attributes."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1235
msgid "Turn on attribute *A_STANDOUT*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1248
msgid ""
"Return a sub-window, whose upper-left corner is at ``(begin_y, begin_x)``, "
"and whose width/height is *ncols*/*nlines*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1251
msgid ""
"By default, the sub-window will extend from the specified position to the "
"lower right corner of the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1257
msgid ""
"Touch each location in the window that has been touched in any of its "
"ancestor windows. This routine is called by :meth:`refresh`, so it should "
"almost never be necessary to call it manually."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1264
msgid ""
"If *flag* is ``True``, then :meth:`syncup` is called automatically whenever "
"there is a change in the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1270
msgid ""
"Touch all locations in ancestors of the window that have been changed in "
"the window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1276
msgid ""
"Set blocking or non-blocking read behavior for the window. If *delay* is "
"negative, blocking read is used (which will wait indefinitely for input). "
"If *delay* is zero, then non-blocking read is used, and :meth:`getch` will "
"return ``-1`` if no input is waiting. If *delay* is positive, then :meth:"
"`getch` will block for *delay* milliseconds, and return ``-1`` if there is "
"still no input at the end of that time."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1286
msgid ""
"Pretend *count* lines have been changed, starting with line *start*. If "
"*changed* is supplied, it specifies whether the affected lines are marked as "
"having been changed (*changed*\\ ``=True``) or unchanged (*changed*\\ "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1293
msgid ""
"Pretend the whole window has been changed, for purposes of drawing "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1299
msgid ""
"Mark all lines in the window as unchanged since the last call to :meth:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1306
msgid ""
"Display a vertical line starting at ``(y, x)`` with length *n* consisting of "
"the character *ch* with attributes *attr*."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1311
msgid "Constants"
msgstr "Constantes"
#: library/curses.rst:1313
msgid "The :mod:`curses` module defines the following data members:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1318
msgid ""
"Some curses routines that return an integer, such as :meth:`~window."
"getch`, return :const:`ERR` upon failure."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1324
msgid ""
"Some curses routines that return an integer, such as :func:`napms`, "
"return :const:`OK` upon success."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1330
msgid ""
"A bytes object representing the current version of the module. Also "
"available as :const:`__version__`."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1336
msgid ""
"A named tuple containing the three components of the ncurses library "
"version: *major*, *minor*, and *patch*. All values are integers. The "
"components can also be accessed by name, so ``curses.ncurses_version[0]`` "
"is equivalent to ``curses.ncurses_version.major`` and so on."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1341
msgid "Availability: if the ncurses library is used."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1346
msgid ""
"Some constants are available to specify character cell attributes. The exact "
"constants available are system dependent."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1350
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attribut"
#: library/curses.rst:1398 library/curses.rst:1642
msgid "Meaning"
msgstr "Signification"
#: library/curses.rst:1352
msgid "``A_ALTCHARSET``"
msgstr "``A_ALTCHARSET``"
#: library/curses.rst:1352
msgid "Alternate character set mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1354
msgid "``A_BLINK``"
msgstr "``A_BLINK``"
#: library/curses.rst:1354
msgid "Blink mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1356
msgid "``A_BOLD``"
msgstr "``A_BOLD``"
#: library/curses.rst:1356
msgid "Bold mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1358
msgid "``A_DIM``"
msgstr "``A_DIM``"
#: library/curses.rst:1358
msgid "Dim mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1360
msgid "``A_INVIS``"
msgstr "``A_INVIS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1360
msgid "Invisible or blank mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1362
msgid "``A_ITALIC``"
msgstr "``A_ITALIC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1362
msgid "Italic mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1364
msgid "``A_NORMAL``"
msgstr "``A_NORMAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1364
msgid "Normal attribute"
msgstr "Attribut normal"
#: library/curses.rst:1366
msgid "``A_PROTECT``"
msgstr "``A_PROTECT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1366
msgid "Protected mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1368
msgid "``A_REVERSE``"
msgstr "``A_REVERSE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1368
msgid "Reverse background and foreground colors"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1371
msgid "``A_STANDOUT``"
msgstr "``A_STANDOUT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1371
msgid "Standout mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1373
msgid "``A_UNDERLINE``"
msgstr "``A_UNDERLINE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1373
msgid "Underline mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1375
msgid "``A_HORIZONTAL``"
msgstr "``A_HORIZONTAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1375
msgid "Horizontal highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1377
msgid "``A_LEFT``"
msgstr "``A_LEFT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1377
msgid "Left highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1379
msgid "``A_LOW``"
msgstr "``A_LOW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1379
msgid "Low highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1381
msgid "``A_RIGHT``"
msgstr "``A_RIGHT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1381
msgid "Right highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1383
msgid "``A_TOP``"
msgstr "``A_TOP``"
#: library/curses.rst:1383
msgid "Top highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1385
msgid "``A_VERTICAL``"
msgstr "``A_VERTICAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1385
msgid "Vertical highlight"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1403
msgid "``A_CHARTEXT``"
msgstr "``A_CHARTEXT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1403
msgid "Bit-mask to extract a character"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1391
msgid "``A_ITALIC`` was added."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1394
msgid ""
"Several constants are available to extract corresponding attributes returned "
"by some methods."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1398
msgid "Bit-mask"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1400
msgid "``A_ATTRIBUTES``"
msgstr "``A_ATTRIBUTES``"
#: library/curses.rst:1400
msgid "Bit-mask to extract attributes"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1406
msgid "``A_COLOR``"
msgstr "``A_COLOR``"
#: library/curses.rst:1406
msgid "Bit-mask to extract color-pair field information"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1410
msgid ""
"Keys are referred to by integer constants with names starting with "
"``KEY_``. The exact keycaps available are system dependent."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1416
msgid "Key constant"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1416
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clé"
#: library/curses.rst:1418
msgid "``KEY_MIN``"
msgstr "``KEY_MIN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1418
msgid "Minimum key value"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1420
msgid "``KEY_BREAK``"
msgstr "``KEY_BREAK``"
#: library/curses.rst:1420
msgid "Break key (unreliable)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1422
msgid "``KEY_DOWN``"
msgstr "``KEY_DOWN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1422
msgid "Down-arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1424
msgid "``KEY_UP``"
msgstr "``KEY_UP``"
#: library/curses.rst:1424
msgid "Up-arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1426
msgid "``KEY_LEFT``"
msgstr "``KEY_LEFT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1426
msgid "Left-arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1428
msgid "``KEY_RIGHT``"
msgstr "``KEY_RIGHT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1428
msgid "Right-arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1430
msgid "``KEY_HOME``"
msgstr "``KEY_HOME``"
#: library/curses.rst:1430
msgid "Home key (upward+left arrow)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1432
msgid "``KEY_BACKSPACE``"
msgstr "``KEY_BACKSPACE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1432
msgid "Backspace (unreliable)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1434
msgid "``KEY_F0``"
msgstr "``KEY_F0``"
#: library/curses.rst:1434
msgid "Function keys. Up to 64 function keys are supported."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1437
msgid "``KEY_Fn``"
msgstr "``KEY_Fn``"
#: library/curses.rst:1437
msgid "Value of function key *n*"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1439
msgid "``KEY_DL``"
msgstr "``KEY_DL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1439
msgid "Delete line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1441
msgid "``KEY_IL``"
msgstr "``KEY_IL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1441
msgid "Insert line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1443
msgid "``KEY_DC``"
msgstr "``KEY_DC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1443
msgid "Delete character"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1445
msgid "``KEY_IC``"
msgstr "``KEY_IC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1445
msgid "Insert char or enter insert mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1447
msgid "``KEY_EIC``"
msgstr "``KEY_EIC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1447
msgid "Exit insert char mode"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1449
msgid "``KEY_CLEAR``"
msgstr "``KEY_CLEAR``"
#: library/curses.rst:1449
msgid "Clear screen"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1451
msgid "``KEY_EOS``"
msgstr "``KEY_EOS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1451
msgid "Clear to end of screen"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1453
msgid "``KEY_EOL``"
msgstr "``KEY_EOL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1453
msgid "Clear to end of line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1455
msgid "``KEY_SF``"
msgstr "``KEY_SF``"
#: library/curses.rst:1455
msgid "Scroll 1 line forward"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1457
msgid "``KEY_SR``"
msgstr "``KEY_SR``"
#: library/curses.rst:1457
msgid "Scroll 1 line backward (reverse)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1459
msgid "``KEY_NPAGE``"
msgstr "``KEY_NPAGE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1459
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1461
msgid "``KEY_PPAGE``"
msgstr "``KEY_PPAGE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1461
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1463
msgid "``KEY_STAB``"
msgstr "``KEY_STAB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1463
msgid "Set tab"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1465
msgid "``KEY_CTAB``"
msgstr "``KEY_CTAB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1465
msgid "Clear tab"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1467
msgid "``KEY_CATAB``"
msgstr "``KEY_CATAB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1467
msgid "Clear all tabs"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1469
msgid "``KEY_ENTER``"
msgstr "``KEY_ENTER``"
#: library/curses.rst:1469
msgid "Enter or send (unreliable)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1471
msgid "``KEY_SRESET``"
msgstr "``KEY_SRESET``"
#: library/curses.rst:1471
msgid "Soft (partial) reset (unreliable)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1473
msgid "``KEY_RESET``"
msgstr "``KEY_RESET``"
#: library/curses.rst:1473
msgid "Reset or hard reset (unreliable)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1475
msgid "``KEY_PRINT``"
msgstr "``KEY_PRINT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1475
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1477
msgid "``KEY_LL``"
msgstr "``KEY_LL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1477
msgid "Home down or bottom (lower left)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1479
msgid "``KEY_A1``"
msgstr "``KEY_A1``"
#: library/curses.rst:1479
msgid "Upper left of keypad"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1481
msgid "``KEY_A3``"
msgstr "``KEY_A3``"
#: library/curses.rst:1481
msgid "Upper right of keypad"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1483
msgid "``KEY_B2``"
msgstr "``KEY_B2``"
#: library/curses.rst:1483
msgid "Center of keypad"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1485
msgid "``KEY_C1``"
msgstr "``KEY_C1``"
#: library/curses.rst:1485
msgid "Lower left of keypad"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1487
msgid "``KEY_C3``"
msgstr "``KEY_C3``"
#: library/curses.rst:1487
msgid "Lower right of keypad"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1489
msgid "``KEY_BTAB``"
msgstr "``KEY_BTAB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1489
msgid "Back tab"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1491
msgid "``KEY_BEG``"
msgstr "``KEY_BEG``"
#: library/curses.rst:1491
msgid "Beg (beginning)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1493
msgid "``KEY_CANCEL``"
msgstr "``KEY_CANCEL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1493
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1495
msgid "``KEY_CLOSE``"
msgstr "``KEY_CLOSE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1495
msgid "Close"
msgstr "*Close*"
#: library/curses.rst:1497
msgid "``KEY_COMMAND``"
msgstr "``KEY_COMMAND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1497
msgid "Cmd (command)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1499
msgid "``KEY_COPY``"
msgstr "``KEY_COPY``"
#: library/curses.rst:1499
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "*Copy*"
#: library/curses.rst:1501
msgid "``KEY_CREATE``"
msgstr "``KEY_CREATE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1501
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1503
msgid "``KEY_END``"
msgstr "``KEY_END``"
#: library/curses.rst:1503
msgid "End"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1505
msgid "``KEY_EXIT``"
msgstr "``KEY_EXIT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1505
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "*Exit*"
#: library/curses.rst:1507
msgid "``KEY_FIND``"
msgstr "``KEY_FIND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1507
msgid "Find"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1509
msgid "``KEY_HELP``"
msgstr "``KEY_HELP``"
#: library/curses.rst:1509
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1511
msgid "``KEY_MARK``"
msgstr "``KEY_MARK``"
#: library/curses.rst:1511
msgid "Mark"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1513
msgid "``KEY_MESSAGE``"
msgstr "``KEY_MESSAGE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1513
msgid "Message"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1515
msgid "``KEY_MOVE``"
msgstr "``KEY_MOVE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1515
msgid "Move"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1517
msgid "``KEY_NEXT``"
msgstr "``KEY_NEXT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1517
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1519
msgid "``KEY_OPEN``"
msgstr "``KEY_OPEN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1519
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1521
msgid "``KEY_OPTIONS``"
msgstr "``KEY_OPTIONS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1521
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#: library/curses.rst:1523
msgid "``KEY_PREVIOUS``"
msgstr "``KEY_PREVIOUS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1523
msgid "Prev (previous)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1525
msgid "``KEY_REDO``"
msgstr "``KEY_REDO``"
#: library/curses.rst:1525
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "*Redo*"
#: library/curses.rst:1527
msgid "``KEY_REFERENCE``"
msgstr "``KEY_REFERENCE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1527
msgid "Ref (reference)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1529
msgid "``KEY_REFRESH``"
msgstr "``KEY_REFRESH``"
#: library/curses.rst:1529
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1531
msgid "``KEY_REPLACE``"
msgstr "``KEY_REPLACE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1531
msgid "Replace"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1533
msgid "``KEY_RESTART``"
msgstr "``KEY_RESTART``"
#: library/curses.rst:1533
msgid "Restart"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1535
msgid "``KEY_RESUME``"
msgstr "``KEY_RESUME``"
#: library/curses.rst:1535
msgid "Resume"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1537
msgid "``KEY_SAVE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SAVE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1537
msgid "Save"
msgstr "*Save*"
#: library/curses.rst:1539
msgid "``KEY_SBEG``"
msgstr "``KEY_SBEG``"
#: library/curses.rst:1539
msgid "Shifted Beg (beginning)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1541
msgid "``KEY_SCANCEL``"
msgstr "``KEY_SCANCEL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1541
msgid "Shifted Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1543
msgid "``KEY_SCOMMAND``"
msgstr "``KEY_SCOMMAND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1543
msgid "Shifted Command"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1545
msgid "``KEY_SCOPY``"
msgstr "``KEY_SCOPY``"
#: library/curses.rst:1545
msgid "Shifted Copy"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1547
msgid "``KEY_SCREATE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SCREATE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1547
msgid "Shifted Create"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1549
msgid "``KEY_SDC``"
msgstr "``KEY_SDC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1549
msgid "Shifted Delete char"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1551
msgid "``KEY_SDL``"
msgstr "``KEY_SDL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1551
msgid "Shifted Delete line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1553
msgid "``KEY_SELECT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SELECT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1553
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1555
msgid "``KEY_SEND``"
msgstr "``KEY_SEND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1555
msgid "Shifted End"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1557
msgid "``KEY_SEOL``"
msgstr "``KEY_SEOL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1557
msgid "Shifted Clear line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1559
msgid "``KEY_SEXIT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SEXIT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1559
msgid "Shifted Exit"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1561
msgid "``KEY_SFIND``"
msgstr "``KEY_SFIND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1561
msgid "Shifted Find"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1563
msgid "``KEY_SHELP``"
msgstr "``KEY_SHELP``"
#: library/curses.rst:1563
msgid "Shifted Help"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1565
msgid "``KEY_SHOME``"
msgstr "``KEY_SHOME``"
#: library/curses.rst:1565
msgid "Shifted Home"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1567
msgid "``KEY_SIC``"
msgstr "``KEY_SIC``"
#: library/curses.rst:1567
msgid "Shifted Input"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1569
msgid "``KEY_SLEFT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SLEFT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1569
msgid "Shifted Left arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1571
msgid "``KEY_SMESSAGE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SMESSAGE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1571
msgid "Shifted Message"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1573
msgid "``KEY_SMOVE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SMOVE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1573
msgid "Shifted Move"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1575
msgid "``KEY_SNEXT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SNEXT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1575
msgid "Shifted Next"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1577
msgid "``KEY_SOPTIONS``"
msgstr "``KEY_SOPTIONS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1577
msgid "Shifted Options"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1579
msgid "``KEY_SPREVIOUS``"
msgstr "``KEY_SPREVIOUS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1579
msgid "Shifted Prev"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1581
msgid "``KEY_SPRINT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SPRINT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1581
msgid "Shifted Print"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1583
msgid "``KEY_SREDO``"
msgstr "``KEY_SREDO``"
#: library/curses.rst:1583
msgid "Shifted Redo"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1585
msgid "``KEY_SREPLACE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SREPLACE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1585
msgid "Shifted Replace"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1587
msgid "``KEY_SRIGHT``"
msgstr "``KEY_SRIGHT``"
#: library/curses.rst:1587
msgid "Shifted Right arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1589
msgid "``KEY_SRSUME``"
msgstr "``KEY_SRSUME``"
#: library/curses.rst:1589
msgid "Shifted Resume"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1591
msgid "``KEY_SSAVE``"
msgstr "``KEY_SSAVE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1591
msgid "Shifted Save"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1593
msgid "``KEY_SSUSPEND``"
msgstr "``KEY_SSUSPEND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1593
msgid "Shifted Suspend"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1595
msgid "``KEY_SUNDO``"
msgstr "``KEY_SUNDO``"
#: library/curses.rst:1595
msgid "Shifted Undo"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1597
msgid "``KEY_SUSPEND``"
msgstr "``KEY_SUSPEND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1597
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1599
msgid "``KEY_UNDO``"
msgstr "``KEY_UNDO``"
#: library/curses.rst:1599
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "*Undo*"
#: library/curses.rst:1601
msgid "``KEY_MOUSE``"
msgstr "``KEY_MOUSE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1601
msgid "Mouse event has occurred"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1603
msgid "``KEY_RESIZE``"
msgstr "``KEY_RESIZE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1603
msgid "Terminal resize event"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1605
msgid "``KEY_MAX``"
msgstr "``KEY_MAX``"
#: library/curses.rst:1605
msgid "Maximum key value"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1608
msgid ""
"On VT100s and their software emulations, such as X terminal emulators, there "
"are normally at least four function keys (:const:`KEY_F1`, :const:`KEY_F2`, :"
"const:`KEY_F3`, :const:`KEY_F4`) available, and the arrow keys mapped to :"
"const:`KEY_UP`, :const:`KEY_DOWN`, :const:`KEY_LEFT` and :const:`KEY_RIGHT` "
"in the obvious way. If your machine has a PC keyboard, it is safe to expect "
"arrow keys and twelve function keys (older PC keyboards may have only ten "
"function keys); also, the following keypad mappings are standard:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1617
msgid "Keycap"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1734 library/curses.rst:1858
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Constante"
#: library/curses.rst:1619
msgid ":kbd:`Insert`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Insert`"
#: library/curses.rst:1619
msgid "KEY_IC"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1621
msgid ":kbd:`Delete`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Delete`"
#: library/curses.rst:1621
msgid "KEY_DC"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1623
msgid ":kbd:`Home`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Home`"
#: library/curses.rst:1623
msgid "KEY_HOME"
msgstr "KEY_HOME"
#: library/curses.rst:1625
msgid ":kbd:`End`"
msgstr ":kbd:`End`"
#: library/curses.rst:1625
msgid "KEY_END"
msgstr "KEY_END"
#: library/curses.rst:1627
msgid ":kbd:`Page Up`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Page Up`"
#: library/curses.rst:1627
msgid "KEY_PPAGE"
msgstr "KEY_PPAGE"
#: library/curses.rst:1629
msgid ":kbd:`Page Down`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Page Down`"
#: library/curses.rst:1629
msgid "KEY_NPAGE"
msgstr "KEY_NPAGE"
#: library/curses.rst:1632
msgid ""
"The following table lists characters from the alternate character set. These "
"are inherited from the VT100 terminal, and will generally be available on "
"software emulations such as X terminals. When there is no graphic "
"available, curses falls back on a crude printable ASCII approximation."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1639
msgid "These are available only after :func:`initscr` has been called."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1642
msgid "ACS code"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1644
msgid "``ACS_BBSS``"
msgstr "``ACS_BBSS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1644
msgid "alternate name for upper right corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1646
msgid "``ACS_BLOCK``"
msgstr "``ACS_BLOCK``"
#: library/curses.rst:1646
msgid "solid square block"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1648
msgid "``ACS_BOARD``"
msgstr "``ACS_BOARD``"
#: library/curses.rst:1648
msgid "board of squares"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1650
msgid "``ACS_BSBS``"
msgstr "``ACS_BSBS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1650
msgid "alternate name for horizontal line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1652
msgid "``ACS_BSSB``"
msgstr "``ACS_BSSB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1652
msgid "alternate name for upper left corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1654
msgid "``ACS_BSSS``"
msgstr "``ACS_BSSS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1654
msgid "alternate name for top tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1656
msgid "``ACS_BTEE``"
msgstr "``ACS_BTEE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1656
msgid "bottom tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1658
msgid "``ACS_BULLET``"
msgstr "``ACS_BULLET``"
#: library/curses.rst:1658
msgid "bullet"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1660
msgid "``ACS_CKBOARD``"
msgstr "``ACS_CKBOARD``"
#: library/curses.rst:1660
msgid "checker board (stipple)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1662
msgid "``ACS_DARROW``"
msgstr "``ACS_DARROW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1662
msgid "arrow pointing down"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1664
msgid "``ACS_DEGREE``"
msgstr "``ACS_DEGREE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1664
msgid "degree symbol"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1666
msgid "``ACS_DIAMOND``"
msgstr "``ACS_DIAMOND``"
#: library/curses.rst:1666
msgid "diamond"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1668
msgid "``ACS_GEQUAL``"
msgstr "``ACS_GEQUAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1668
msgid "greater-than-or-equal-to"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1670
msgid "``ACS_HLINE``"
msgstr "``ACS_HLINE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1670
msgid "horizontal line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1672
msgid "``ACS_LANTERN``"
msgstr "``ACS_LANTERN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1672
msgid "lantern symbol"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1674
msgid "``ACS_LARROW``"
msgstr "``ACS_LARROW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1674
msgid "left arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1676
msgid "``ACS_LEQUAL``"
msgstr "``ACS_LEQUAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1676
msgid "less-than-or-equal-to"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1678
msgid "``ACS_LLCORNER``"
msgstr "``ACS_LLCORNER``"
#: library/curses.rst:1678
msgid "lower left-hand corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1680
msgid "``ACS_LRCORNER``"
msgstr "``ACS_LRCORNER``"
#: library/curses.rst:1680
msgid "lower right-hand corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1682
msgid "``ACS_LTEE``"
msgstr "``ACS_LTEE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1682
msgid "left tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1684
msgid "``ACS_NEQUAL``"
msgstr "``ACS_NEQUAL``"
#: library/curses.rst:1684
msgid "not-equal sign"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1686
msgid "``ACS_PI``"
msgstr "``ACS_PI``"
#: library/curses.rst:1686
msgid "letter pi"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1688
msgid "``ACS_PLMINUS``"
msgstr "``ACS_PLMINUS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1688
msgid "plus-or-minus sign"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1690
msgid "``ACS_PLUS``"
msgstr "``ACS_PLUS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1690
msgid "big plus sign"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1692
msgid "``ACS_RARROW``"
msgstr "``ACS_RARROW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1692
msgid "right arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1694
msgid "``ACS_RTEE``"
msgstr "``ACS_RTEE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1694
msgid "right tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1696
msgid "``ACS_S1``"
msgstr "``ACS_S1``"
#: library/curses.rst:1696
msgid "scan line 1"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1698
msgid "``ACS_S3``"
msgstr "``ACS_S3``"
#: library/curses.rst:1698
msgid "scan line 3"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1700
msgid "``ACS_S7``"
msgstr "``ACS_S7``"
#: library/curses.rst:1700
msgid "scan line 7"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1702
msgid "``ACS_S9``"
msgstr "``ACS_S9``"
#: library/curses.rst:1702
msgid "scan line 9"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1704
msgid "``ACS_SBBS``"
msgstr "``ACS_SBBS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1704
msgid "alternate name for lower right corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1706
msgid "``ACS_SBSB``"
msgstr "``ACS_SBSB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1706
msgid "alternate name for vertical line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1708
msgid "``ACS_SBSS``"
msgstr "``ACS_SBSS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1708
msgid "alternate name for right tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1710
msgid "``ACS_SSBB``"
msgstr "``ACS_SSBB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1710
msgid "alternate name for lower left corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1712
msgid "``ACS_SSBS``"
msgstr "``ACS_SSBS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1712
msgid "alternate name for bottom tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1714
msgid "``ACS_SSSB``"
msgstr "``ACS_SSSB``"
#: library/curses.rst:1714
msgid "alternate name for left tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1716
msgid "``ACS_SSSS``"
msgstr "``ACS_SSSS``"
#: library/curses.rst:1716
msgid "alternate name for crossover or big plus"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1718
msgid "``ACS_STERLING``"
msgstr "``ACS_STERLING``"
#: library/curses.rst:1718
msgid "pound sterling"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1720
msgid "``ACS_TTEE``"
msgstr "``ACS_TTEE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1720
msgid "top tee"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1722
msgid "``ACS_UARROW``"
msgstr "``ACS_UARROW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1722
msgid "up arrow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1724
msgid "``ACS_ULCORNER``"
msgstr "``ACS_ULCORNER``"
#: library/curses.rst:1724
msgid "upper left corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1726
msgid "``ACS_URCORNER``"
msgstr "``ACS_URCORNER``"
#: library/curses.rst:1726
msgid "upper right corner"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1728
msgid "``ACS_VLINE``"
msgstr "``ACS_VLINE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1728
msgid "vertical line"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1731
msgid "The following table lists the predefined colors:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1734
msgid "Color"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1736
msgid "``COLOR_BLACK``"
msgstr "``COLOR_BLACK``"
#: library/curses.rst:1736
msgid "Black"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1738
msgid "``COLOR_BLUE``"
msgstr "``COLOR_BLUE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1738
msgid "Blue"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1740
msgid "``COLOR_CYAN``"
msgstr "``COLOR_CYAN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1740
msgid "Cyan (light greenish blue)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1742
msgid "``COLOR_GREEN``"
msgstr "``COLOR_GREEN``"
#: library/curses.rst:1742
msgid "Green"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1744
msgid "``COLOR_MAGENTA``"
msgstr "``COLOR_MAGENTA``"
#: library/curses.rst:1744
msgid "Magenta (purplish red)"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1746
msgid "``COLOR_RED``"
msgstr "``COLOR_RED``"
#: library/curses.rst:1746
msgid "Red"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1748
msgid "``COLOR_WHITE``"
msgstr "``COLOR_WHITE``"
#: library/curses.rst:1748
msgid "White"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1750
msgid "``COLOR_YELLOW``"
msgstr "``COLOR_YELLOW``"
#: library/curses.rst:1750
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1755
msgid ":mod:`curses.textpad` --- Text input widget for curses programs"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1763
msgid ""
"The :mod:`curses.textpad` module provides a :class:`Textbox` class that "
"handles elementary text editing in a curses window, supporting a set of "
"keybindings resembling those of Emacs (thus, also of Netscape Navigator, "
"BBedit 6.x, FrameMaker, and many other programs). The module also provides "
"a rectangle-drawing function useful for framing text boxes or for other "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1769
msgid "The module :mod:`curses.textpad` defines the following function:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1774
msgid ""
"Draw a rectangle. The first argument must be a window object; the remaining "
"arguments are coordinates relative to that window. The second and third "
"arguments are the y and x coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the "
"rectangle to be drawn; the fourth and fifth arguments are the y and x "
"coordinates of the lower right hand corner. The rectangle will be drawn "
"using VT100/IBM PC forms characters on terminals that make this possible "
"(including xterm and most other software terminal emulators). Otherwise it "
"will be drawn with ASCII dashes, vertical bars, and plus signs."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1787
msgid "Textbox objects"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1789
msgid "You can instantiate a :class:`Textbox` object as follows:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1794
msgid ""
"Return a textbox widget object. The *win* argument should be a curses :ref:"
"`window <curses-window-objects>` object in which the textbox is to be "
"contained. The edit cursor of the textbox is initially located at the upper "
"left hand corner of the containing window, with coordinates ``(0, 0)``. The "
"instance's :attr:`stripspaces` flag is initially on."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1800
#, fuzzy
msgid ":class:`Textbox` objects have the following methods:"
msgstr ""
"Les objets de la classe :class:`TestLoader` ont les attributs suivants :"
#: library/curses.rst:1805
msgid ""
"This is the entry point you will normally use. It accepts editing "
"keystrokes until one of the termination keystrokes is entered. If "
"*validator* is supplied, it must be a function. It will be called for each "
"keystroke entered with the keystroke as a parameter; command dispatch is "
"done on the result. This method returns the window contents as a string; "
"whether blanks in the window are included is affected by the :attr:"
"`stripspaces` attribute."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1816
msgid ""
"Process a single command keystroke. Here are the supported special "
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1858
msgid "Keystroke"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1820
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"
#: library/curses.rst:1822
msgid ":kbd:`Control-A`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-A`"
#: library/curses.rst:1822
msgid "Go to left edge of window."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1860
msgid ":kbd:`Control-B`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-B`"
#: library/curses.rst:1824
msgid "Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if appropriate."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1827
msgid ":kbd:`Control-D`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-D`"
#: library/curses.rst:1827
msgid "Delete character under cursor."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1829
msgid ":kbd:`Control-E`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-E`"
#: library/curses.rst:1829
msgid "Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end of line (stripspaces on)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1862
msgid ":kbd:`Control-F`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-F`"
#: library/curses.rst:1832
msgid "Cursor right, wrapping to next line when appropriate."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1835
msgid ":kbd:`Control-G`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-G`"
#: library/curses.rst:1835
msgid "Terminate, returning the window contents."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1837
msgid ":kbd:`Control-H`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-H`"
#: library/curses.rst:1837
msgid "Delete character backward."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1839
msgid ":kbd:`Control-J`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-J`"
#: library/curses.rst:1839
msgid "Terminate if the window is 1 line, otherwise insert newline."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1842
msgid ":kbd:`Control-K`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-K`"
#: library/curses.rst:1842
msgid "If line is blank, delete it, otherwise clear to end of line."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1845
msgid ":kbd:`Control-L`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-L`"
#: library/curses.rst:1845
msgid "Refresh screen."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1866
msgid ":kbd:`Control-N`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-N`"
#: library/curses.rst:1847
msgid "Cursor down; move down one line."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1849
msgid ":kbd:`Control-O`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-O`"
#: library/curses.rst:1849
msgid "Insert a blank line at cursor location."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1864
msgid ":kbd:`Control-P`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-P`"
#: library/curses.rst:1851
msgid "Cursor up; move up one line."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1854
msgid ""
"Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement is "
"not possible. The following synonyms are supported where possible:"
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1860
msgid ":const:`KEY_LEFT`"
msgstr ":const:`KEY_LEFT`"
#: library/curses.rst:1862
msgid ":const:`KEY_RIGHT`"
msgstr ":const:`KEY_RIGHT`"
#: library/curses.rst:1864
msgid ":const:`KEY_UP`"
msgstr ":const:`KEY_UP`"
#: library/curses.rst:1866
msgid ":const:`KEY_DOWN`"
msgstr ":const:`KEY_DOWN`"
#: library/curses.rst:1868
msgid ":const:`KEY_BACKSPACE`"
msgstr ":const:`KEY_BACKSPACE`"
#: library/curses.rst:1868
msgid ":kbd:`Control-h`"
msgstr ":kbd:`Control-h`"
#: library/curses.rst:1871
msgid ""
"All other keystrokes are treated as a command to insert the given character "
"and move right (with line wrapping)."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1877
msgid ""
"Return the window contents as a string; whether blanks in the window are "
"included is affected by the :attr:`stripspaces` member."
msgstr ""
#: library/curses.rst:1883
msgid ""
"This attribute is a flag which controls the interpretation of blanks in the "
"window. When it is on, trailing blanks on each line are ignored; any cursor "
"motion that would land the cursor on a trailing blank goes to the end of "
"that line instead, and trailing blanks are stripped when the window contents "
"are gathered."
msgstr ""