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# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# For licence information, see README file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-01-15 22:33+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-10 00:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Julien Palard <julien@palard.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: FRENCH <traductions@lists.afpy.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
#: library/fcntl.rst:2
msgid ":mod:`fcntl` --- The ``fcntl`` and ``ioctl`` system calls"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:16
msgid ""
"This module performs file control and I/O control on file descriptors. It is "
"an interface to the :c:func:`fcntl` and :c:func:`ioctl` Unix routines. For "
"a complete description of these calls, see :manpage:`fcntl(2)` and :manpage:"
"`ioctl(2)` Unix manual pages."
msgstr ""
#: includes/wasm-notavail.rst:None
msgid ":ref:`Availability <availability>`: not Emscripten, not WASI."
msgstr ""
#: includes/wasm-notavail.rst:5
msgid ""
"This module does not work or is not available on WebAssembly platforms "
"``wasm32-emscripten`` and ``wasm32-wasi``. See :ref:`wasm-availability` for "
"more information."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:23
msgid ""
"All functions in this module take a file descriptor *fd* as their first "
"argument. This can be an integer file descriptor, such as returned by ``sys."
"stdin.fileno()``, or an :class:`io.IOBase` object, such as ``sys.stdin`` "
"itself, which provides a :meth:`~io.IOBase.fileno` that returns a genuine "
"file descriptor."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:29
msgid ""
"Operations in this module used to raise an :exc:`IOError` where they now "
"raise an :exc:`OSError`."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:33
msgid ""
"The fcntl module now contains ``F_ADD_SEALS``, ``F_GET_SEALS``, and "
"``F_SEAL_*`` constants for sealing of :func:`os.memfd_create` file "
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:38
msgid ""
"On macOS, the fcntl module exposes the ``F_GETPATH`` constant, which obtains "
"the path of a file from a file descriptor. On Linux(>=3.15), the fcntl "
"module exposes the ``F_OFD_GETLK``, ``F_OFD_SETLK`` and ``F_OFD_SETLKW`` "
"constants, which are used when working with open file description locks."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:45
msgid ""
"On Linux >= 2.6.11, the fcntl module exposes the ``F_GETPIPE_SZ`` and "
"``F_SETPIPE_SZ`` constants, which allow to check and modify a pipe's size "
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:50
msgid ""
"On FreeBSD, the fcntl module exposes the ``F_DUP2FD`` and "
"``F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC`` constants, which allow to duplicate a file descriptor, "
"the latter setting ``FD_CLOEXEC`` flag in addition."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:55
msgid "The module defines the following functions:"
msgstr "Le module définit les fonctions suivantes :"
#: library/fcntl.rst:60
msgid ""
"Perform the operation *cmd* on file descriptor *fd* (file objects providing "
"a :meth:`~io.IOBase.fileno` method are accepted as well). The values used "
"for *cmd* are operating system dependent, and are available as constants in "
"the :mod:`fcntl` module, using the same names as used in the relevant C "
"header files. The argument *arg* can either be an integer value, or a :class:"
"`bytes` object. With an integer value, the return value of this function is "
"the integer return value of the C :c:func:`fcntl` call. When the argument "
"is bytes it represents a binary structure, e.g. created by :func:`struct."
"pack`. The binary data is copied to a buffer whose address is passed to the "
"C :c:func:`fcntl` call. The return value after a successful call is the "
"contents of the buffer, converted to a :class:`bytes` object. The length of "
"the returned object will be the same as the length of the *arg* argument. "
"This is limited to 1024 bytes. If the information returned in the buffer by "
"the operating system is larger than 1024 bytes, this is most likely to "
"result in a segmentation violation or a more subtle data corruption."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:77
msgid "If the :c:func:`fcntl` fails, an :exc:`OSError` is raised."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:88
msgid ""
"Raises an :ref:`auditing event <auditing>` ``fcntl.fcntl`` with arguments "
"``fd``, ``cmd``, ``arg``."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:84
msgid ""
"This function is identical to the :func:`~fcntl.fcntl` function, except that "
"the argument handling is even more complicated."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:87
msgid ""
"The *request* parameter is limited to values that can fit in 32-bits. "
"Additional constants of interest for use as the *request* argument can be "
"found in the :mod:`termios` module, under the same names as used in the "
"relevant C header files."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:92
msgid ""
"The parameter *arg* can be one of an integer, an object supporting the read-"
"only buffer interface (like :class:`bytes`) or an object supporting the read-"
"write buffer interface (like :class:`bytearray`)."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:96
msgid ""
"In all but the last case, behaviour is as for the :func:`~fcntl.fcntl` "
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:99
msgid ""
"If a mutable buffer is passed, then the behaviour is determined by the value "
"of the *mutate_flag* parameter."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:102
msgid ""
"If it is false, the buffer's mutability is ignored and behaviour is as for a "
"read-only buffer, except that the 1024 byte limit mentioned above is avoided "
"-- so long as the buffer you pass is at least as long as what the operating "
"system wants to put there, things should work."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:107
msgid ""
"If *mutate_flag* is true (the default), then the buffer is (in effect) "
"passed to the underlying :func:`ioctl` system call, the latter's return code "
"is passed back to the calling Python, and the buffer's new contents reflect "
"the action of the :func:`ioctl`. This is a slight simplification, because "
"if the supplied buffer is less than 1024 bytes long it is first copied into "
"a static buffer 1024 bytes long which is then passed to :func:`ioctl` and "
"copied back into the supplied buffer."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:115
msgid "If the :c:func:`ioctl` fails, an :exc:`OSError` exception is raised."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:117
msgid "An example::"
msgstr "Un exemple ::"
#: library/fcntl.rst:139
msgid ""
"Raises an :ref:`auditing event <auditing>` ``fcntl.ioctl`` with arguments "
"``fd``, ``request``, ``arg``."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:135
msgid ""
"Perform the lock operation *operation* on file descriptor *fd* (file objects "
"providing a :meth:`~io.IOBase.fileno` method are accepted as well). See the "
"Unix manual :manpage:`flock(2)` for details. (On some systems, this "
"function is emulated using :c:func:`fcntl`.)"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:140
msgid "If the :c:func:`flock` fails, an :exc:`OSError` exception is raised."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:151
msgid ""
"Raises an :ref:`auditing event <auditing>` ``fcntl.flock`` with arguments "
"``fd``, ``operation``."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:147
msgid ""
"This is essentially a wrapper around the :func:`~fcntl.fcntl` locking calls. "
"*fd* is the file descriptor (file objects providing a :meth:`~io.IOBase."
"fileno` method are accepted as well) of the file to lock or unlock, and "
"*cmd* is one of the following values:"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:152
msgid ":const:`LOCK_UN` -- unlock"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:153
msgid ":const:`LOCK_SH` -- acquire a shared lock"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:154
msgid ":const:`LOCK_EX` -- acquire an exclusive lock"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:156
msgid ""
"When *cmd* is :const:`LOCK_SH` or :const:`LOCK_EX`, it can also be bitwise "
"ORed with :const:`LOCK_NB` to avoid blocking on lock acquisition. If :const:"
"`LOCK_NB` is used and the lock cannot be acquired, an :exc:`OSError` will be "
"raised and the exception will have an *errno* attribute set to :const:"
"`EACCES` or :const:`EAGAIN` (depending on the operating system; for "
"portability, check for both values). On at least some systems, :const:"
"`LOCK_EX` can only be used if the file descriptor refers to a file opened "
"for writing."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:165
msgid ""
"*len* is the number of bytes to lock, *start* is the byte offset at which "
"the lock starts, relative to *whence*, and *whence* is as with :func:`io."
"IOBase.seek`, specifically:"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:169
msgid ":const:`0` -- relative to the start of the file (:data:`os.SEEK_SET`)"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:170
msgid ""
":const:`1` -- relative to the current buffer position (:data:`os.SEEK_CUR`)"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:171
msgid ":const:`2` -- relative to the end of the file (:data:`os.SEEK_END`)"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:173
msgid ""
"The default for *start* is 0, which means to start at the beginning of the "
"file. The default for *len* is 0 which means to lock to the end of the "
"file. The default for *whence* is also 0."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:186
msgid ""
"Raises an :ref:`auditing event <auditing>` ``fcntl.lockf`` with arguments "
"``fd``, ``cmd``, ``len``, ``start``, ``whence``."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:179
msgid "Examples (all on a SVR4 compliant system)::"
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:189
msgid ""
"Note that in the first example the return value variable *rv* will hold an "
"integer value; in the second example it will hold a :class:`bytes` object. "
"The structure lay-out for the *lockdata* variable is system dependent --- "
"therefore using the :func:`flock` call may be better."
msgstr ""
#: library/fcntl.rst:200
msgid "Module :mod:`os`"
msgstr "Module :mod:`os`"
#: library/fcntl.rst:198
msgid ""
"If the locking flags :data:`~os.O_SHLOCK` and :data:`~os.O_EXLOCK` are "
"present in the :mod:`os` module (on BSD only), the :func:`os.open` function "
"provides an alternative to the :func:`lockf` and :func:`flock` functions."
msgstr ""