2017-10-23 22:33:03 +02:00

508 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright (C) 1990-2016, Python Software Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 2.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-10-30 10:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:3
msgid ":mod:`sets` --- Unordered collections of unique elements"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:16
msgid "The built-in :class:`set`/:class:`frozenset` types replace this module."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:19
msgid ""
"The :mod:`sets` module provides classes for constructing and manipulating "
"unordered collections of unique elements. Common uses include membership "
"testing, removing duplicates from a sequence, and computing standard math "
"operations on sets such as intersection, union, difference, and symmetric "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:25
msgid ""
"Like other collections, sets support ``x in set``, ``len(set)``, and ``for x "
"in set``. Being an unordered collection, sets do not record element "
"position or order of insertion. Accordingly, sets do not support indexing, "
"slicing, or other sequence-like behavior."
msgstr ""
"Comme pour les autres collections, les ensembles supportent ``x in set``, "
"``len(set)``, et ``for x in set``. En temps que collection non-triée, les "
"ensembles n'enregistrent pas la position des éléments ou leur ordre "
"d'insertion. En conséquence, les *sets* n'autorisent ni l'indexation, ni le "
"découpage, ou tout autre comportement de séquence."
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:30
msgid ""
"Most set applications use the :class:`Set` class which provides every set "
"method except for :meth:`__hash__`. For advanced applications requiring a "
"hash method, the :class:`ImmutableSet` class adds a :meth:`__hash__` method "
"but omits methods which alter the contents of the set. Both :class:`Set` "
"and :class:`ImmutableSet` derive from :class:`BaseSet`, an abstract class "
"useful for determining whether something is a set: ``isinstance(obj, "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:37
msgid ""
"The set classes are implemented using dictionaries. Accordingly, the "
"requirements for set elements are the same as those for dictionary keys; "
"namely, that the element defines both :meth:`__eq__` and :meth:`__hash__`. "
"As a result, sets cannot contain mutable elements such as lists or "
"dictionaries. However, they can contain immutable collections such as tuples "
"or instances of :class:`ImmutableSet`. For convenience in implementing sets "
"of sets, inner sets are automatically converted to immutable form, for "
"example, ``Set([Set(['dog'])])`` is transformed to "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:49
msgid ""
"Constructs a new empty :class:`Set` object. If the optional *iterable* "
"parameter is supplied, updates the set with elements obtained from "
"iteration. All of the elements in *iterable* should be immutable or be "
"transformable to an immutable using the protocol described in section :ref:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:57
msgid ""
"Constructs a new empty :class:`ImmutableSet` object. If the optional "
"*iterable* parameter is supplied, updates the set with elements obtained "
"from iteration. All of the elements in *iterable* should be immutable or be "
"transformable to an immutable using the protocol described in section :ref:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:62
msgid ""
"Because :class:`ImmutableSet` objects provide a :meth:`__hash__` method, "
"they can be used as set elements or as dictionary keys. :class:"
"`ImmutableSet` objects do not have methods for adding or removing elements, "
"so all of the elements must be known when the constructor is called."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:71
msgid "Set Objects"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:73
msgid ""
"Instances of :class:`Set` and :class:`ImmutableSet` both provide the "
"following operations:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:77 ../Doc/library/sets.rst:139
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:148
msgid "Operation"
msgstr "Opération"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:77 ../Doc/library/sets.rst:148
msgid "Equivalent"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:77 ../Doc/library/sets.rst:139
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:148
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Résultat"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:79
msgid "``len(s)``"
msgstr "``len(s)``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:79
msgid "number of elements in set *s* (cardinality)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:82
msgid "``x in s``"
msgstr "``x in s``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:82
msgid "test *x* for membership in *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:84
msgid "``x not in s``"
msgstr "``x not in s``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:84
msgid "test *x* for non-membership in *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:87
msgid "``s.issubset(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:87
msgid "``s <= t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:87
msgid "test whether every element in *s* is in *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:90
msgid "``s.issuperset(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:90
msgid "``s >= t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:90
msgid "test whether every element in *t* is in *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:93
msgid "``s.union(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:93
msgid "``s | t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:93
msgid "new set with elements from both *s* and *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:96
msgid "``s.intersection(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:96
msgid "``s & t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:96
msgid "new set with elements common to *s* and *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:99
msgid "``s.difference(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:99
msgid "``s - t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:99
msgid "new set with elements in *s* but not in *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:102
msgid "``s.symmetric_difference(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:102
msgid "``s ^ t``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:102
msgid "new set with elements in either *s* or *t* but not both"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:105
msgid "``s.copy()``"
msgstr "``s.copy()``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:105
msgid "new set with a shallow copy of *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:109
msgid ""
"Note, the non-operator versions of :meth:`union`, :meth:`intersection`, :"
"meth:`difference`, and :meth:`symmetric_difference` will accept any iterable "
"as an argument. In contrast, their operator based counterparts require their "
"arguments to be sets. This precludes error-prone constructions like "
"``Set('abc') & 'cbs'`` in favor of the more readable ``Set('abc')."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:116 ../Doc/library/sets.rst:182
msgid "Formerly all arguments were required to be sets."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:119
msgid ""
"In addition, both :class:`Set` and :class:`ImmutableSet` support set to set "
"comparisons. Two sets are equal if and only if every element of each set is "
"contained in the other (each is a subset of the other). A set is less than "
"another set if and only if the first set is a proper subset of the second "
"set (is a subset, but is not equal). A set is greater than another set if "
"and only if the first set is a proper superset of the second set (is a "
"superset, but is not equal)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:127
msgid ""
"The subset and equality comparisons do not generalize to a complete ordering "
"function. For example, any two disjoint sets are not equal and are not "
"subsets of each other, so *all* of the following return ``False``: ``a<b``, "
"``a==b``, or ``a>b``. Accordingly, sets do not implement the :meth:`__cmp__` "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:132
msgid ""
"Since sets only define partial ordering (subset relationships), the output "
"of the :meth:`list.sort` method is undefined for lists of sets."
msgstr ""
"Puisque les *sets* ne définissent qu'un ordre partiel (par leurs relations "
"de sous-ensembles), la sortie de la méthode :meth:`list.sort` n'est pas "
"définie pour des listes d'ensembles."
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:135
msgid ""
"The following table lists operations available in :class:`ImmutableSet` but "
"not found in :class:`Set`:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:141
msgid "``hash(s)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:141
msgid "returns a hash value for *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:144
msgid ""
"The following table lists operations available in :class:`Set` but not found "
"in :class:`ImmutableSet`:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:150
msgid "``s.update(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:150
msgid "*s* \\|= *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:150
msgid "return set *s* with elements added from *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:153
msgid "``s.intersection_update(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:153
msgid "*s* &= *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:153
msgid "return set *s* keeping only elements also found in *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:156
msgid "``s.difference_update(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:156
msgid "*s* -= *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:156
msgid "return set *s* after removing elements found in *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:159
msgid "``s.symmetric_difference_update(t)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:159
msgid "*s* ^= *t*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:159
msgid "return set *s* with elements from *s* or *t* but not both"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:162
msgid "``s.add(x)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:162
msgid "add element *x* to set *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:164
msgid "``s.remove(x)``"
msgstr "``s.remove(x)``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:164
msgid "remove *x* from set *s*; raises :exc:`KeyError` if not present"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:167
msgid "``s.discard(x)``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:167
msgid "removes *x* from set *s* if present"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:170
msgid "``s.pop()``"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:170
msgid ""
"remove and return an arbitrary element from *s*; raises :exc:`KeyError` if "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:174
msgid "``s.clear()``"
msgstr "``s.clear()``"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:174
msgid "remove all elements from set *s*"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:178
msgid ""
"Note, the non-operator versions of :meth:`update`, :meth:"
"`intersection_update`, :meth:`difference_update`, and :meth:"
"`symmetric_difference_update` will accept any iterable as an argument."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:185
msgid ""
"Also note, the module also includes a :meth:`union_update` method which is "
"an alias for :meth:`update`. The method is included for backwards "
"compatibility. Programmers should prefer the :meth:`update` method because "
"it is supported by the built-in :class:`set()` and :class:`frozenset()` "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:194
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Exemple"
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:224
msgid "Protocol for automatic conversion to immutable"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:226
msgid ""
"Sets can only contain immutable elements. For convenience, mutable :class:"
"`Set` objects are automatically copied to an :class:`ImmutableSet` before "
"being added as a set element."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:230
msgid ""
"The mechanism is to always add a :term:`hashable` element, or if it is not "
"hashable, the element is checked to see if it has an :meth:"
"`__as_immutable__` method which returns an immutable equivalent."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:234
msgid ""
"Since :class:`Set` objects have a :meth:`__as_immutable__` method returning "
"an instance of :class:`ImmutableSet`, it is possible to construct sets of "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:237
msgid ""
"A similar mechanism is needed by the :meth:`__contains__` and :meth:`remove` "
"methods which need to hash an element to check for membership in a set. "
"Those methods check an element for hashability and, if not, check for a :"
"meth:`__as_temporarily_immutable__` method which returns the element wrapped "
"by a class that provides temporary methods for :meth:`__hash__`, :meth:"
"`__eq__`, and :meth:`__ne__`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:244
msgid ""
"The alternate mechanism spares the need to build a separate copy of the "
"original mutable object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:247
msgid ""
":class:`Set` objects implement the :meth:`__as_temporarily_immutable__` "
"method which returns the :class:`Set` object wrapped by a new class :class:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:251
msgid ""
"The two mechanisms for adding hashability are normally invisible to the "
"user; however, a conflict can arise in a multi-threaded environment where "
"one thread is updating a set while another has temporarily wrapped it in :"
"class:`_TemporarilyImmutableSet`. In other words, sets of mutable sets are "
"not thread-safe."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:261
msgid "Comparison to the built-in :class:`set` types"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:263
msgid ""
"The built-in :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` types were designed based "
"on lessons learned from the :mod:`sets` module. The key differences are:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:266
msgid ""
":class:`Set` and :class:`ImmutableSet` were renamed to :class:`set` and :"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:269
msgid ""
"There is no equivalent to :class:`BaseSet`. Instead, use ``isinstance(x, "
"(set, frozenset))``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:272
msgid ""
"The hash algorithm for the built-ins performs significantly better (fewer "
"collisions) for most datasets."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:275
msgid "The built-in versions have more space efficient pickles."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:277
msgid ""
"The built-in versions do not have a :meth:`union_update` method. Instead, "
"use the :meth:`update` method which is equivalent."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:280
msgid ""
"The built-in versions do not have a ``_repr(sorted=True)`` method. Instead, "
"use the built-in :func:`repr` and :func:`sorted` functions: "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/sets.rst:284
msgid ""
"The built-in version does not have a protocol for automatic conversion to "
"immutable. Many found this feature to be confusing and no one in the "
"community reported having found real uses for it."
msgstr ""