
303 lines
8.8 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-12 18:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:8
msgid "Futures"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:10
msgid ""
"*Future* objects are used to bridge **low-level callback-based code** with "
"high-level async/await code."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:15
msgid "Future Functions"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:19
msgid "Return ``True`` if *obj* is either of:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:21
msgid "an instance of :class:`asyncio.Future`,"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:22
msgid "an instance of :class:`asyncio.Task`,"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:23
msgid "a Future-like object with a ``_asyncio_future_blocking`` attribute."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:31
msgid "Return:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:33
msgid ""
"*obj* argument as is, if *obj* is a :class:`Future`, a :class:`Task`, or a "
"Future-like object (:func:`isfuture` is used for the test.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:37
msgid ""
"a :class:`Task` object wrapping *obj*, if *obj* is a coroutine (:func:"
"`iscoroutine` is used for the test.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:40
msgid ""
"a :class:`Task` object that would await on *obj*, if *obj* is an awaitable (:"
"func:`inspect.isawaitable` is used for the test.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:43
msgid "If *obj* is neither of the above a :exc:`TypeError` is raised."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:47
msgid ""
"See also the :func:`create_task` function which is the preferred way for "
"creating new Tasks."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:50
msgid "The function accepts any :term:`awaitable` object."
msgstr "La fonction accepte n'importe quel objet :term:`awaitable`."
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:56
msgid ""
"Wrap a :class:`concurrent.futures.Future` object in a :class:`asyncio."
"Future` object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:61
msgid "Future Object"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:65
msgid ""
"A Future represents an eventual result of an asynchronous operation. Not "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:68
msgid ""
"Future is an :term:`awaitable` object. Coroutines can await on Future "
"objects until they either have a result or an exception set, or until they "
"are cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:72
msgid ""
"Typically Futures are used to enable low-level callback-based code (e.g. in "
"protocols implemented using asyncio :ref:`transports <asyncio-transports-"
"protocols>`) to interoperate with high-level async/await code."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:77
msgid ""
"The rule of thumb is to never expose Future objects in user-facing APIs, and "
"the recommended way to create a Future object is to call :meth:`loop."
"create_future`. This way alternative event loop implementations can inject "
"their own optimized implementations of a Future object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:83
msgid "Added support for the :mod:`contextvars` module."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:88
msgid "Return the result of the Future."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:90
msgid ""
"If the Future is *done* and has a result set by the :meth:`set_result` "
"method, the result value is returned."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:93
msgid ""
"If the Future is *done* and has an exception set by the :meth:"
"`set_exception` method, this method raises the exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:96 ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:181
msgid ""
"If the Future has been *cancelled*, this method raises a :exc:"
"`CancelledError` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:99
msgid ""
"If the Future's result isn't yet available, this method raises a :exc:"
"`InvalidStateError` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:104
msgid "Mark the Future as *done* and set its result."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:106 ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:113
msgid ""
"Raises a :exc:`InvalidStateError` error if the Future is already *done*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:111
msgid "Mark the Future as *done* and set an exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:118
msgid "Return ``True`` if the Future is *done*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:120
msgid ""
"A Future is *done* if it was *cancelled* or if it has a result or an "
"exception set with :meth:`set_result` or :meth:`set_exception` calls."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:126
msgid "Return ``True`` if the Future was *cancelled*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:128
msgid ""
"The method is usually used to check if a Future is not *cancelled* before "
"setting a result or an exception for it::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:136
msgid "Add a callback to be run when the Future is *done*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:138
msgid "The *callback* is called with the Future object as its only argument."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:141
msgid ""
"If the Future is already *done* when this method is called, the callback is "
"scheduled with :meth:`loop.call_soon`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:144
msgid ""
"An optional keyword-only *context* argument allows specifying a custom :"
"class:`contextvars.Context` for the *callback* to run in. The current "
"context is used when no *context* is provided."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:148
msgid ""
":func:`functools.partial` can be used to pass parameters to the callback, e."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:155
msgid ""
"The *context* keyword-only parameter was added. See :pep:`567` for more "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:161
msgid "Remove *callback* from the callbacks list."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:163
msgid ""
"Returns the number of callbacks removed, which is typically 1, unless a "
"callback was added more than once."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:168
msgid "Cancel the Future and schedule callbacks."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:170
msgid ""
"If the Future is already *done* or *cancelled*, return ``False``. Otherwise, "
"change the Future's state to *cancelled*, schedule the callbacks, and return "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:176
msgid "Return the exception that was set on this Future."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:178
msgid ""
"The exception (or ``None`` if no exception was set) is returned only if the "
"Future is *done*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:184
msgid ""
"If the Future isn't *done* yet, this method raises an :exc:"
"`InvalidStateError` exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:189
msgid "Return the event loop the Future object is bound to."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:196
msgid ""
"This example creates a Future object, creates and schedules an asynchronous "
"Task to set result for the Future, and waits until the Future has a result::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:231
msgid ""
"The Future object was designed to mimic :class:`concurrent.futures.Future`. "
"Key differences include:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:234
msgid ""
"unlike asyncio Futures, :class:`concurrent.futures.Future` instances cannot "
"be awaited."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:237
msgid ""
":meth:`asyncio.Future.result` and :meth:`asyncio.Future.exception` do not "
"accept the *timeout* argument."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:240
msgid ""
":meth:`asyncio.Future.result` and :meth:`asyncio.Future.exception` raise an :"
"exc:`InvalidStateError` exception when the Future is not *done*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:244
msgid ""
"Callbacks registered with :meth:`asyncio.Future.add_done_callback` are not "
"called immediately. They are scheduled with :meth:`loop.call_soon` instead."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/asyncio-future.rst:248
msgid ""
"asyncio Future is not compatible with the :func:`concurrent.futures.wait` "
"and :func:`concurrent.futures.as_completed` functions."
msgstr ""