
422 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# For licence information, see README file.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-02 22:11+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: FRENCH <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:2
msgid ":mod:`xml.sax.xmlreader` --- Interface for XML parsers"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:10
msgid "**Source code:** :source:`Lib/xml/sax/`"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:14
msgid ""
"SAX parsers implement the :class:`XMLReader` interface. They are implemented "
"in a Python module, which must provide a function :func:`create_parser`. "
"This function is invoked by :func:`xml.sax.make_parser` with no arguments "
"to create a new parser object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:22
msgid "Base class which can be inherited by SAX parsers."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:27
msgid ""
"In some cases, it is desirable not to parse an input source at once, but to "
"feed chunks of the document as they get available. Note that the reader will "
"normally not read the entire file, but read it in chunks as well; still :"
"meth:`parse` won't return until the entire document is processed. So these "
"interfaces should be used if the blocking behaviour of :meth:`parse` is not "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:33
msgid ""
"When the parser is instantiated it is ready to begin accepting data from the "
"feed method immediately. After parsing has been finished with a call to "
"close the reset method must be called to make the parser ready to accept new "
"data, either from feed or using the parse method."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:38
msgid ""
"Note that these methods must *not* be called during parsing, that is, after "
"parse has been called and before it returns."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:41
msgid ""
"By default, the class also implements the parse method of the XMLReader "
"interface using the feed, close and reset methods of the IncrementalParser "
"interface as a convenience to SAX 2.0 driver writers."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:48
msgid ""
"Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location. A locator "
"object will return valid results only during calls to DocumentHandler "
"methods; at any other time, the results are unpredictable. If information is "
"not available, methods may return ``None``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:56
msgid ""
"Encapsulation of the information needed by the :class:`XMLReader` to read "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:59
msgid ""
"This class may include information about the public identifier, system "
"identifier, byte stream (possibly with character encoding information) and/"
"or the character stream of an entity."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:63
msgid ""
"Applications will create objects of this class for use in the :meth:"
"`XMLReader.parse` method and for returning from EntityResolver.resolveEntity."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:67
msgid ""
"An :class:`InputSource` belongs to the application, the :class:`XMLReader` "
"is not allowed to modify :class:`InputSource` objects passed to it from the "
"application, although it may make copies and modify those."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:74
msgid ""
"This is an implementation of the :class:`Attributes` interface (see section :"
"ref:`attributes-objects`). This is a dictionary-like object which "
"represents the element attributes in a :meth:`startElement` call. In "
"addition to the most useful dictionary operations, it supports a number of "
"other methods as described by the interface. Objects of this class should be "
"instantiated by readers; *attrs* must be a dictionary-like object containing "
"a mapping from attribute names to attribute values."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:85
msgid ""
"Namespace-aware variant of :class:`AttributesImpl`, which will be passed to :"
"meth:`startElementNS`. It is derived from :class:`AttributesImpl`, but "
"understands attribute names as two-tuples of *namespaceURI* and *localname*. "
"In addition, it provides a number of methods expecting qualified names as "
"they appear in the original document. This class implements the :class:"
"`AttributesNS` interface (see section :ref:`attributes-ns-objects`)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:96
msgid "XMLReader Objects"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:98
msgid "The :class:`XMLReader` interface supports the following methods:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:103
msgid ""
"Process an input source, producing SAX events. The *source* object can be a "
"system identifier (a string identifying the input source -- typically a file "
"name or a URL), a file-like object, or an :class:`InputSource` object. When :"
"meth:`parse` returns, the input is completely processed, and the parser "
"object can be discarded or reset."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:109
msgid "Added support of character streams."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:115
msgid "Return the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:120
msgid ""
"Set the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`. If no :class:"
"`~xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler` is set, content events will be discarded."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:127
msgid "Return the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.DTDHandler`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:132
msgid ""
"Set the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.DTDHandler`. If no :class:`~xml."
"sax.handler.DTDHandler` is set, DTD events will be discarded."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:139
msgid "Return the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.EntityResolver`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:144
msgid ""
"Set the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.EntityResolver`. If no :class:"
"`~xml.sax.handler.EntityResolver` is set, attempts to resolve an external "
"entity will result in opening the system identifier for the entity, and fail "
"if it is not available."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:152
msgid "Return the current :class:`~xml.sax.handler.ErrorHandler`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:157
msgid ""
"Set the current error handler. If no :class:`~xml.sax.handler.ErrorHandler` "
"is set, errors will be raised as exceptions, and warnings will be printed."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:163
msgid "Allow an application to set the locale for errors and warnings."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:165
msgid ""
"SAX parsers are not required to provide localization for errors and "
"warnings; if they cannot support the requested locale, however, they must "
"raise a SAX exception. Applications may request a locale change in the "
"middle of a parse."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:172
msgid ""
"Return the current setting for feature *featurename*. If the feature is not "
"recognized, :exc:`SAXNotRecognizedException` is raised. The well-known "
"featurenames are listed in the module :mod:`xml.sax.handler`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:179
msgid ""
"Set the *featurename* to *value*. If the feature is not recognized, :exc:"
"`SAXNotRecognizedException` is raised. If the feature or its setting is not "
"supported by the parser, *SAXNotSupportedException* is raised."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:186
msgid ""
"Return the current setting for property *propertyname*. If the property is "
"not recognized, a :exc:`SAXNotRecognizedException` is raised. The well-known "
"propertynames are listed in the module :mod:`xml.sax.handler`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:193
msgid ""
"Set the *propertyname* to *value*. If the property is not recognized, :exc:"
"`SAXNotRecognizedException` is raised. If the property or its setting is not "
"supported by the parser, *SAXNotSupportedException* is raised."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:201
msgid "IncrementalParser Objects"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:203
msgid ""
"Instances of :class:`IncrementalParser` offer the following additional "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:208
msgid "Process a chunk of *data*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:213
msgid ""
"Assume the end of the document. That will check well-formedness conditions "
"that can be checked only at the end, invoke handlers, and may clean up "
"resources allocated during parsing."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:220
msgid ""
"This method is called after close has been called to reset the parser so "
"that it is ready to parse new documents. The results of calling parse or "
"feed after close without calling reset are undefined."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:228
msgid "Locator Objects"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:230
msgid "Instances of :class:`Locator` provide these methods:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:235
msgid "Return the column number where the current event begins."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:240
msgid "Return the line number where the current event begins."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:245
msgid "Return the public identifier for the current event."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:250
msgid "Return the system identifier for the current event."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:256
msgid "InputSource Objects"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:261
msgid "Sets the public identifier of this :class:`InputSource`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:266
msgid "Returns the public identifier of this :class:`InputSource`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:271
msgid "Sets the system identifier of this :class:`InputSource`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:276
msgid "Returns the system identifier of this :class:`InputSource`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:281
msgid "Sets the character encoding of this :class:`InputSource`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:283
msgid ""
"The encoding must be a string acceptable for an XML encoding declaration "
"(see section 4.3.3 of the XML recommendation)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:286
msgid ""
"The encoding attribute of the :class:`InputSource` is ignored if the :class:"
"`InputSource` also contains a character stream."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:292
msgid "Get the character encoding of this InputSource."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:297
msgid "Set the byte stream (a :term:`binary file`) for this input source."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:299
msgid ""
"The SAX parser will ignore this if there is also a character stream "
"specified, but it will use a byte stream in preference to opening a URI "
"connection itself."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:302
msgid ""
"If the application knows the character encoding of the byte stream, it "
"should set it with the setEncoding method."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:308
msgid "Get the byte stream for this input source."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:310
msgid ""
"The getEncoding method will return the character encoding for this byte "
"stream, or ``None`` if unknown."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:316
msgid "Set the character stream (a :term:`text file`) for this input source."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:318
msgid ""
"If there is a character stream specified, the SAX parser will ignore any "
"byte stream and will not attempt to open a URI connection to the system "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:324
msgid "Get the character stream for this input source."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:330
msgid "The :class:`Attributes` Interface"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:332
msgid ""
":class:`Attributes` objects implement a portion of the :term:`mapping "
"protocol <mapping>`, including the methods :meth:`"
"copy`, :meth:``, :meth:`~object.__contains__`, :"
"meth:``, :meth:`"
"keys`, and :meth:``. The following methods "
"are also provided:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:342
msgid "Return the number of attributes."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:347
msgid "Return the names of the attributes."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:352
msgid ""
"Returns the type of the attribute *name*, which is normally ``'CDATA'``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:357
msgid "Return the value of attribute *name*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:366
msgid "The :class:`AttributesNS` Interface"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:368
msgid ""
"This interface is a subtype of the :class:`Attributes` interface (see "
"section :ref:`attributes-objects`). All methods supported by that interface "
"are also available on :class:`AttributesNS` objects."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:372
msgid "The following methods are also available:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:377
msgid "Return the value for a qualified name."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:382
msgid "Return the ``(namespace, localname)`` pair for a qualified *name*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:387
msgid "Return the qualified name for a ``(namespace, localname)`` pair."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/xml.sax.reader.rst:392
msgid "Return the qualified names of all attributes."
msgstr ""