Merge pull request 'Fix issue #6' (#10) from 6-ffmpeg-error into stable

Reviewed-on: fcode/delarte#10
This commit is contained in:
Barbagus 2022-12-13 04:40:39 +00:00
commit 9f79687088
3 changed files with 185 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -295,14 +295,18 @@ This file shows the file(s) containing the subtitles data.
The actual build of the video file is handled by [ffmpeg]( The script expects [ffmpeg]( to be installed in the environement and will call it as a subprocess.
##### Why not use FFMPEG direcly with the _version index_ URL ?
#### Why not use FFMPEG direcly with the _version index_ URL ?
So we can select the video resolution and not rely on stream mapping arguments in `ffmpeg`.
##### Why not use VTT subtitles direcly ?
#### Why not use VTT subtitles direcly ?
Because it fails 😒.
#### Why not use FFMPEG direcly with the _video_ and _audio_ _index_ URL ?
Because some programs would randomly fail 😒. Probably due to invalid _chunking_ on the server.
### 📌 Dependences

View File

@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ This file is part of [`delarte`](
__version__ = "0.1"
import contextlib
import io
import json
import os
import re
import tempfile
from http import HTTPStatus
from http.client import HTTPSConnection, HTTPConnection
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen
import m3u8
@ -75,9 +79,9 @@ def build_file_base_name(config):
return config["attributes"]["metadata"]["title"].replace("/", "-")
def make_srt_tempfile(subtitles_index_url):
def download_subtitles_input(index_url, progress):
"""Return a temporary file name where VTT subtitle has been downloaded/converted to SRT."""
subtitles_index = m3u8.load(subtitles_index_url)
subtitles_index = m3u8.load(index_url)
urls = [subtitles_index.base_uri + "/" + f for f in subtitles_index.files]
if not urls:
@ -86,13 +90,15 @@ def make_srt_tempfile(subtitles_index_url):
if len(urls) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple subtitle files")
progress(0, 2)
http_response = urlopen(urls[0])
if http_response.status != HTTPStatus.OK:
raise RuntimeError("Subtitle request failed")
buffer = io.StringIO("utf8"))
progress(1, 2)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
with NamedTemporaryFile(
"w", delete=False, prefix="delarte.", suffix=".srt", encoding="utf8"
) as f:
i = 1
@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ def make_srt_tempfile(subtitles_index_url):
print(caption.text + "\n", file=f)
i += 1
progress(2, 2)
@ -177,17 +184,19 @@ def select_resolution(version_index, resolution_code):
return None
def build_ffmpeg_cmd(video_index_url, audio_track, subtitles_track, file_base_name):
def build_ffmpeg_cmd(inputs, file_base_name):
"""Build FFMPEG args."""
audio_lang, audio_index_url = audio_track
if subtitles_track:
subtitles_lang, subtitles_file = subtitles_track
video_input, audio_track, subtitles_track = inputs
cmd = ["ffmpeg"]
cmd.extend(["-i", video_index_url])
cmd.extend(["-i", audio_index_url])
audio_lang, audio_input = audio_track
if subtitles_track:
cmd.extend(["-i", subtitles_file])
subtitles_lang, subtitles_input = subtitles_track
cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-hide_banner"]
cmd.extend(["-i", video_input])
cmd.extend(["-i", audio_input])
if subtitles_track:
cmd.extend(["-i", subtitles_input])
cmd.extend(["-c:v", "copy"])
cmd.extend(["-c:a", "copy"])
@ -203,3 +212,127 @@ def build_ffmpeg_cmd(video_index_url, audio_track, subtitles_track, file_base_na
return cmd
def parse_byterange(obj):
"""Parse a M3U8 `byterange` (count@offset) into http range (range_start, rang_end)."""
count, offset = [int(v) for v in obj.byterange.split("@")]
return offset, offset + count - 1
def load_av_index(index_url):
"""Load a M3U8 audio or video index."""
index = m3u8.load(index_url)
file_name = index.segment_map[0].uri
range_start, range_end = parse_byterange(index.segment_map[0])
if range_start != 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid a/v index: does not start at 0")
chunks = [(range_start, range_end)]
total = range_end + 1
for segment in index.segments:
if segment.uri != file_name:
raise ValueError("Invalid a/v index: multiple file names")
range_start, range_end = parse_byterange(segment)
if range_start != total:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid a/v index: discontious ranges ({range_start} != {total})"
chunks.append((range_start, range_end))
total = range_end + 1
return urlparse(index.segment_map[0].absolute_uri), chunks
def download_av_input(index_url, progress):
"""Download an audio or video stream to temporary directory."""
url, ranges = load_av_index(index_url)
total = ranges[-1][1]
Connector = HTTPSConnection if url.scheme == "https" else HTTPConnection
connection = Connector(url.hostname)
with (
mode="w+b", delete=False, prefix="delarte.", suffix=".mp4"
) as f,
contextlib.closing(connection) as c,
for range_start, range_end in ranges:
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Language": "fr,en;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.3",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, identity",
"Range": f"bytes={range_start}-{range_end}",
"Origin": "",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Referer": "",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "cross-site",
"Sec-GPC": "1",
"DNT": "1",
r = c.getresponse()
if r.status != 206:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid response status {r.status}")
content =
if len(content) != range_end - range_start + 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid range length")
progress(range_end, total)
def download_inputs(remote_inputs, progress):
"""Download inputs in temporary files."""
# It is implemented as a context manager that will delete temporary files on exit.
video_index_url, audio_track, subtitles_track = remote_inputs
video_filename = None
audio_filename = None
subtitles_filename = None
video_filename = download_av_input(
video_index_url, lambda i, n: progress("video", i, n)
(audio_lang, audio_index_url) = audio_track
audio_filename = download_av_input(
audio_index_url, lambda i, n: progress("audio", i, n)
if subtitles_track:
(subtitles_lang, subtitles_index_url) = subtitles_track
subtitles_filename = download_subtitles_input(
subtitles_index_url, lambda i, n: progress("subtitles", i, n)
yield (
(audio_lang, audio_filename),
(subtitles_lang, subtitles_filename),
yield (video_filename, (audio_lang, audio_filename), None)
if video_filename and os.path.isfile(video_filename):
if audio_filename and os.path.isfile(audio_filename):
if subtitles_filename and os.path.isfile(subtitles_filename):

View File

@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ usage: delarte [-h|--help] - print this message
or: delarte program_page_url version - show available resolutions
or: delarte program_page_url version resolution - download the given video
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from . import (
@ -44,6 +44,33 @@ def print_available_resolutions(version_index, f):
print(f"\t{code} - {label}", file=f)
def create_progress():
"""Create a progress handler for input downloads."""
state = {
"last_update_time": 0,
"last_channel": None,
def progress(channel, current, total):
now = time.time()
if current == total:
print(f"\rDownloading {channel}: 100.0%")
state["last_update_time"] = now
elif channel != state["last_channel"]:
print(f"Dowloading {channel}: 0.0%", end="")
state["last_update_time"] = now
state["last_channel"] = channel
elif now - state["last_update_time"] > 1:
f"\rDownloading {channel}: {int(1000.0 * current / total) / 10.0}%",
state["last_update_time"] = now
return progress
def main():
"""CLI command."""
args = sys.argv[1:]
@ -92,27 +119,17 @@ def main():
print_available_resolutions(version_index, sys.stdout)
return 0
stream_info = select_resolution(version_index, args.pop(0))
if stream_info is None:
remote_inputs = select_resolution(version_index, args.pop(0))
if remote_inputs is None:
fail("Invalid resolution")
print_available_resolutions(version_index, sys.stderr)
return 0
video_index_url, audio_track, subtitles_track = stream_info
if subtitles_track:
subtitles_lang, subtitles_index_url = subtitles_track
subtitle_file = make_srt_tempfile(subtitles_index_url)
subtitles_track = (subtitles_lang, subtitle_file)
file_base_name = build_file_base_name(config)
args = build_ffmpeg_cmd(
video_index_url, audio_track, subtitles_track, file_base_name
if subtitle_file:
with download_inputs(remote_inputs, create_progress()) as temp_inputs:
args = build_ffmpeg_cmd(temp_inputs, file_base_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":