"""pospell is a spellcheckers for po files containing reStructuedText.""" import collections import functools import io import logging import multiprocessing import os import subprocess import sys from contextlib import redirect_stderr from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from shutil import which from string import digits from typing import List, Tuple from unicodedata import category import docutils.frontend import docutils.nodes import docutils.parsers.rst import polib import regex from docutils.parsers.rst import roles from docutils.utils import new_document from sphinxlint import rst __version__ = "1.3" DEFAULT_DROP_CAPITALIZED = {"fr": True, "fr_FR": True} input_line = collections.namedtuple("input_line", "filename line text") class POSpellException(Exception): """All exceptions from this module inherit from this one.""" class Unreachable(POSpellException): """The code encontered a state that should be unreachable.""" try: HUNSPELL_VERSION = subprocess.check_output( ["hunspell", "--version"], universal_newlines=True ).split("\n", maxsplit=1)[0] except FileNotFoundError: print("hunspell not found, please install hunspell.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) class DummyNodeClass(docutils.nodes.Inline, docutils.nodes.TextElement): """Used to represent any unknown roles, so we can parse any rst blindly.""" def monkey_patch_role(role): """Patch docutils.parsers.rst.roles.role so it always match. Giving a DummyNodeClass for unknown roles. """ def role_or_generic(role_name, language_module, lineno, reporter): base_role, message = role(role_name, language_module, lineno, reporter) if base_role is None: roles.register_generic_role(role_name, DummyNodeClass) base_role, message = role(role_name, language_module, lineno, reporter) return base_role, message return role_or_generic roles.role = monkey_patch_role(roles.role) class NodeToTextVisitor(docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor): """Recursively convert a docutils node to a Python string. Usage: >>> visitor = NodeToTextVisitor(document) >>> document.walk(visitor) >>> print(str(visitor)) It ignores (see IGNORE_LIST) some nodes, which we don't want in hunspell (enphasis typically contain proper names that are unknown to dictionaires). """ IGNORE_LIST = ( "emphasis", "superscript", "title_reference", "substitution_reference", "citation_reference", "strong", "DummyNodeClass", "reference", "literal", "Text", "system_message", ) def __init__(self, document): """Initialize visitor for the given node/document.""" self.output = [] super().__init__(document) def unknown_visit(self, node): """Mandatory implementation to visit unknwon nodes.""" @staticmethod def ignore(node): """Just raise SkipChildren. Used for all visit_* in the IGNORE_LIST. See __getattr__. """ raise docutils.nodes.SkipChildren def __getattr__(self, name): """Skip childrens from the IGNORE_LIST.""" if name.startswith("visit_") and name[6:] in self.IGNORE_LIST: return self.ignore raise AttributeError(name) def visit_Text(self, node): """Keep this node text, this is typically what we want to spell check.""" self.output.append(docutils.nodes.unescape(node, restore_backslashes=True)) def __str__(self): """Give the accumulated strings.""" return " ".join(self.output) def strip_rst(line): """Transform reStructuredText to plain text.""" if line.endswith("::"): # Drop :: at the end, it would cause Literal block expected line = line[:-2] line = rst.NORMAL_ROLE_RE.sub("", line) settings = docutils.frontend.get_default_settings() settings.pep_references = None settings.rfc_references = None settings.pep_base_url = "http://www.python.org/dev/peps/" settings.pep_file_url_template = "pep-%04d" parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser() stderr_stringio = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(stderr_stringio): document = new_document("", settings=settings) parser.parse(line, document) stderr = stderr_stringio.getvalue() if stderr: print(stderr.strip(), "while parsing:", line) visitor = NodeToTextVisitor(document) document.walk(visitor) return str(visitor) def clear(line, drop_capitalized=False, po_path=""): """Clear various other syntaxes we may encounter in a line.""" # Normalize spaces line = regex.sub(r"\s+", " ", line).replace("\xad", "") to_drop = { r'', r"{[a-z_]*?}", # Sphinx variable r"%\([a-z_]+?\)[diouxXeEfFgGcrsa%]", # Sphinx variable r"« . »", # Single letter examples (typically in Unicode documentation) } if drop_capitalized: to_drop.add( # Strip capitalized words in sentences r"(? 1: return False # Probably an accronym, or a name like CPython, macOS, SQLite, ... if "-" in word: return False return True def run_hunspell(language, personal_dict, input_lines): """Run hunspell over the given input lines.""" personal_dict_arg = ["-p", personal_dict] if personal_dict else [] try: output = subprocess.check_output( ["hunspell", "-d", language, "-a"] + personal_dict_arg, universal_newlines=True, input=quote_for_hunspell(text for _, _, text in input_lines), ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return -1 return parse_hunspell_output(input_lines, output.splitlines()) def flatten(list_of_lists): """[[a,b,c], [d,e,f]] -> [a,b,c,d,e,f].""" return [element for a_list in list_of_lists for element in a_list] def spell_check( po_files, personal_dict=None, language="en_US", drop_capitalized=False, debug_only=False, jobs=os.cpu_count(), ): """Check for spelling mistakes in the given po_files. (po format, containing restructuredtext), for the given language. personal_dict allow to pass a personal dict (-p) option, to hunspell. Debug only will show what's passed to Hunspell instead of passing it. """ # Pool.__exit__ calls terminate() instead of close(), we need the latter, # which ensures the processes' atexit handlers execute fully, which in # turn lets coverage write the sub-processes' coverage information pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with try: input_lines = flatten( pool.map( functools.partial(po_to_text, drop_capitalized=drop_capitalized), po_files, ) ) if debug_only: for filename, line, text in input_lines: print(filename, line, text, sep=":") return 0 if not input_lines: return 0 # Distribute input lines across workers lines_per_job = (len(input_lines) + jobs - 1) // jobs chunked_inputs = [ input_lines[i : i + lines_per_job] for i in range(0, len(input_lines), lines_per_job) ] errors = flatten( pool.map( functools.partial(run_hunspell, language, personal_dict), chunked_inputs, ) ) finally: pool.close() pool.join() for error in errors: print(*error, sep=":") return len(errors) def parse_hunspell_output(inputs, outputs) -> List[Tuple[str, int, str]]: """Parse `hunspell -a` output and collect all errors.""" # skip first line of hunspell output (it's the banner) outputs = iter(outputs[1:]) errors = [] for po_input_line, output_line in zip(inputs, outputs): if not po_input_line.text: continue while output_line: if output_line.startswith("&"): _, original, *_ = output_line.split() if look_like_a_word(original): errors.append( (po_input_line.filename, po_input_line.line, original) ) try: output_line = next(outputs) except StopIteration: break return errors def gracefull_handling_of_missing_dicts(language): """Check if hunspell dictionary for given language is installed.""" hunspell_dash_d = subprocess.check_output( ["hunspell", "-D"], universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) languages = {Path(line).name for line in hunspell_dash_d} def error(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs): print(*args, file=file, **kwargs) if language in languages: return error( "The hunspell dictionary for your language is missing, please install it.", end="\n\n", ) if which("apt"): error("Maybe try something like:") error(f" sudo apt install hunspell-{language}") else: error( f"""I don't know your environment, but I bet the package name looks like: hunspell-{language} If you find it, please tell me (by opening an issue or a PR on https://github.com/JulienPalard/pospell/) so I can enhance this error message. """ ) sys.exit(1) def main(): """Entry point (for command-line).""" args = parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=50 - 10 * args.verbose) default_drop_capitalized = DEFAULT_DROP_CAPITALIZED.get(args.language, False) if args.drop_capitalized: drop_capitalized = True elif args.no_drop_capitalized: drop_capitalized = False else: drop_capitalized = default_drop_capitalized args.po_file = list( chain(Path(".").glob(args.glob) if args.glob else [], args.po_file) ) if args.modified: git_status = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "status", "--porcelain", "--no-renames"], encoding="utf-8" ) git_status_lines = [ line.split(maxsplit=2) for line in git_status.split("\n") if line ] args.po_file.extend( Path(filename) for status, filename in git_status_lines if filename.endswith(".po") and status != "D" ) try: errors = spell_check( args.po_file, args.personal_dict, args.language, drop_capitalized, args.debug, args.jobs, ) except POSpellException as err: print(err, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) if errors == -1: gracefull_handling_of_missing_dicts(args.language) sys.exit(0 if errors == 0 else -1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()