cache program

This commit is contained in:
Élie Bouttier 2016-10-31 23:42:07 +01:00
parent f40180ff2d
commit 12f646cbdc
3 changed files with 64 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.timezone import localtime
from django.core.cache import cache
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from copy import deepcopy
@ -17,27 +18,26 @@ Event = namedtuple('Event', ['talk', 'row', 'rowcount'])
class Program:
def __init__(self, site, pending=False, empty_rooms=False, talk_filter=None):
def __init__(self, site, pending=False, cache=True): = site
self.pending = pending
self.cache = cache
self.initialized = False
def _lazy_init(self):
self.conference = Conference.objects.get(
self.talks = Talk.objects.\
filter(site=site, room__isnull=False, start_date__isnull=False).\
filter(, room__isnull=False, start_date__isnull=False).\
filter(Q(duration__gt=0) | Q(event__duration__gt=0))
if pending:
if self.pending:
self.talks = self.talks.exclude(accepted=False)
self.talks = self.talks.filter(accepted=True)
self.talks = self.talks.order_by('start_date')
if talk_filter:
self.talks = self.talks.filter(talk_filter)
if empty_rooms:
self.rooms = Room.objects.filter(site=site)
self.rooms = Room.objects.filter(talk__in=self.talks.all()).order_by('name').distinct()
self.days = {}
@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ class Program:
if dt2 not in self.days[d2]['timeslots']:
self.cols = OrderedDict([(room, 1) for room in self.rooms])
for day in self.days.keys():
self.days[day]['timeslots'] = sorted(self.days[day]['timeslots'])
self.days[day]['rows'] = OrderedDict([(timeslot, OrderedDict([(room, []) for room in self.rooms])) for timeslot in self.days[day]['timeslots'][:-1]])
for talk in self.talks.exclude(plenary=True).all():
for talk in self.talks.filter(plenary=True).all():
self.initialized = True
def _add_talk(self, talk):
room =
dt1 = talk.start_date
@ -78,7 +91,7 @@ class Program:
self.days[d1]['rows'][timeslot][room][col] = event
def _header(self):
def _html_header(self):
output = '<td>Room</td>'
room_cell = '<td%(options)s>%(name)s<br><b>%(label)s</b></td>'
for room, colspan in self.cols.items():
@ -86,14 +99,14 @@ class Program:
output += room_cell % {'name': escape(, 'label': escape(room.label), 'options': options}
return '<tr>%s</tr>' % output
def _body(self):
def _html_body(self):
output = ''
for day in sorted(self.days.keys()):
output += self._day_header(day)
output += self._day(day)
output += self._html_day_header(day)
output += self._html_day(day)
return output
def _day_header(self, day):
def _html_day_header(self, day):
row = '<tr><td colspan="%(colcount)s"><h3>%(day)s</h3></td></tr>'
colcount = 1
for room, col in self.cols.items():
@ -103,14 +116,14 @@ class Program:
'day': datetime.strftime(day, '%A %d %B'),
def _day(self, day):
def _html_day(self, day):
output = []
rows = self.days[day]['rows']
for ts, rooms in rows.items():
output.append(self._row(day, ts, rooms))
output.append(self._html_row(day, ts, rooms))
return '\n'.join(output)
def _row(self, day, ts, rooms):
def _html_row(self, day, ts, rooms):
row = '<tr style="%(style)s">%(timeslot)s%(content)s</tr>'
cell = '<td%(options)s>%(content)s</td>'
content = ''
@ -130,14 +143,14 @@ class Program:
colspan = 1
content += cell % {'options': options, 'content': mark_safe(cellcontent)}
style, timeslot = self._timeslot(day, ts)
style, timeslot = self._html_timeslot(day, ts)
return row % {
'style': style,
'timeslot': timeslot,
'content': content,
def _timeslot(self, day, ts):
def _html_timeslot(self, day, ts):
template = '<td>%(content)s</td>'
start = ts
end = self.days[day]['timeslots'][self.days[day]['timeslots'].index(ts)+1]
@ -147,26 +160,18 @@ class Program:
timeslot = '<td>%s %s</td>' % tuple(map(date_to_string, [start, end]))
return style, timeslot
def as_html(self):
def _as_html(self):
template = """<table class="table table-bordered text-center">\n%(header)s\n%(body)s\n</table>"""
self.cols = OrderedDict([(room, 1) for room in self.rooms])
for day in self.days.keys():
self.days[day]['timeslots'] = sorted(self.days[day]['timeslots'])
self.days[day]['rows'] = OrderedDict([(timeslot, OrderedDict([(room, []) for room in self.rooms])) for timeslot in self.days[day]['timeslots'][:-1]])
for talk in self.talks.exclude(plenary=True).all():
for talk in self.talks.filter(plenary=True).all():
if not self.initialized:
return mark_safe(template % {
'header': self._header(),
'body': self._body(),
'header': self._html_header(),
'body': self._html_body(),
def as_xml(self):
def _as_xml(self):
if not self.initialized:
result = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -252,5 +257,16 @@ class Program:
'days': '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' ' + x, days_xml.split('\n'))),
def render(self, output='html'):
if self.cache:
cache_entry = 'program.%s.%s' % ('pending' if self.pending else 'final', output)
result = cache.get(cache_entry)
if not result:
result = getattr(self, '_as_%s' % output)()
cache.set(cache_entry, result, 3 * 60 * 60) # 3H
return result
return getattr(self, '_as_%s' % output)()
def __str__(self):
return self.as_html()
return self.render()

View File

@ -41,18 +41,19 @@ class RoomDetail(StaffRequiredMixin, RoomMixin, DetailView):
def program_pending(request):
output = request.GET.get('format', 'html')
return program(request, pending=True, output=output, html_template='pending-program.html')
return program(request, pending=True, output=output, html_template='pending-program.html', cache=False)
def program_public(request):
output = request.GET.get('format', 'html')
return program(request, pending=False, output=output)
def program(request, pending=False, output='html', html_template='public-program.html'):
program = Program(site=get_current_site(request), pending=pending)
def program(request, pending=False, output='html', html_template='public-program.html', cache=True):
program = Program(site=get_current_site(request), pending=pending, cache=cache)
if output == 'html':
return render(request, 'planning/' + html_template, {'program': program})
elif output == 'xml':
return HttpResponse(program.as_xml(), content_type="application/xml")
return HttpResponse(program.render('xml'), content_type="application/xml")
raise Http404("Format not available")

View File

@ -210,3 +210,9 @@ LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = 'home'
# django-registration
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache',