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.title Compiling to Assets

Compiling project resources into assets is done using the assetc command-line tool.

Upon invocation, it will scan the input folder and compile all resources in a supported format to the output folder. Files in an unsupported format are copied unmodified to the output folder.

It is very important that you treat the compiled output folder as entirely disposable and only ever perform modifications in the input folder. Output assets will be different for each platform you compile to.

Again, do not ever work in the assets folder.

If you are unclear on the resources/assets distinction see [man.Assets].

Drag & drop

The easiest way is to drag and drop the resources folder on the assetc executable:

assetc drag & drop


If you need more control over the compilation options, the command line gets the following parameters:

assetc <input> [output PATH] [-daemon] [-platform PLATFORM] [-api API] [-defines DEFINES] [-job COUNT]
       [-toolchain PATH] [-progress] [-log_to_std_out] [-debug] [-quiet] [-verbose]
Option Shortcut Description
-input Input project resources folder.
-output Output compiled assets folder. If unspecified, the input folder path suffixed with _compiled is used.
-daemon -d Run the compiler in daemon mode. The compiler will constantly monitor the input folder and compile its content as it is modified.
-platform -p Platform to target.
-api Graphics API to target. Some platforms (eg. PC) might support multiple graphics API (DX11, DX12, GL, ...).
-defines -D Semicolon separated defines to pass to the shader compiler (eg. FLAG;VALUE=2).
-job -j Maximum number of parallel job (0 - automatic).
-toolchain -t Path to the toolchain folder.
-progress Output progress to the standard output.
-log_to_std_out -l Log errors to the standard output.
-debug Compile in debug mode (eg. output debug informations in shader).
-quiet -q Disable all build information but errors.
-verbose -v Output additional information about the compilation process.

Note: When run in daemon mode assetc will not exit after its initial run and will keep watching the input folder. When a resource is modified it will automatically be compiled to the output folder.

See [man.GLTF] and [man.FBX] to convert common 3d formats to Harfang resources.