2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

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.title Installation
## Quick Install
* **Using PIP in a command line:** `pip install harfang`
* **Or download the wheel from :** [Downloads](https://www.harfang3d.com/downloads)
If anything goes wrong, please look at the [TroubleShooting](#TroubleShooting) section.<br/>
Further details on the installation are available below.
## Prerequisites
The following dependencies must be installed on your system for any Harfang project to work properly.
* Functional OpenGL 3.3 hardware and drivers
### Windows
* OpenAL redistributable (`oalinst.exe`)
* Visual C++ 2017 redistributable (`vcredist.exe`)
### Linux
* OpenAL (`sudo apt-get install libopenal1`)
## Installation
Harfang is available for several programming languages as an extension or as a standalone executable. The following sections describe the installation procedure for each variant.
### Python
* Download the `.whl` package for your OS and Python version. ([Downloads](https://www.harfang3d.com/downloads))
#### Windows
1. Open a command prompt as Administrator (`Win+X` then `Command Prompt (Admin)`).
1. Switch to the download directory and execute `pip install <your_harfang_version>.whl --user`.
#### OSX
1. Open a terminal window (in `Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app`).
1. Switch to the download directory and execute `pip install <your_harfang_version>.whl --user`.
#### Linux
1. Open a terminal window.
1. Switch to the download directory and execute `pip install <your_harfang_version>.whl --user`.
**Note:** You might need to explicitly use `pip3` to install the module if your system has both Python 2 and 3 installed.
#### Confirm your installation ####
Confirm your installation by starting your Python 3 interpreter and execute the following statement `import harfang as hg`. If you receive no error message, the installation was successful.
### Lua
Deploy the binary extension to your Lua interpreter or use the provided interpreter.
## <a name="Troubleshooting"></a>Troubleshooting
### Python
#### 1. `pip install` fails with a message saying `harfang is not a supported wheel on this platform`.
Make sure that your pip install is up to date. Outdated pip versions have been known to cause such problems.
#### 2. The dynamic library fails to load when importing the `harfang` module in Python.
Make sure your system has the required runtime dependencies installed. It should have OpenAL and on Windows the Visual C++ 2017 redistributable installed.
#### 3. `ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.` error when importing the `harfang` module.
This error usually happens when installing the incorrect version of Harfang for your Python version. For example when installing the 64 bit version of Harfang on a 32 bit install of the Python interpreter.