2017-12-19 17:05:48 +01:00

818 B

Add a new conference

We suppose our conference is hosted at cfp.example.org. The slides for this conference will be uploaded in /media/example/.

Create a new Site object:

$ ./manage.py shell
$ from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
$ Site.objects.create(domain='cfp.example.org', name='example')

The name field is the sub-directory in the media directory where upload slides. The displayed name of the conference is stored in the Conference model.

Add the domain in ponyconf/local_settings.py:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ 'cfp.example.org' ]

Reload the configuration:

$ touch touch_to_reload

Make sure you web server is configured to serve this new domain.

Configure the e-mails.

Go to https://cfp.example.org, log-in and configure your conference.