
This commit is contained in:
Julien Palard 2023-01-25 09:50:14 +01:00
parent 8e886174c1
commit b8824774ce
Signed by: mdk
GPG Key ID: 0EFC1AC1006886F8
6 changed files with 215 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Date: 2023-01-13 09:33:00
Lang: en
Slug: black-screen-at-boot-on-my-pinephone
Summary: My phone was no longer booting…
Title: Black screen at boot on my PinePhone
OK so today my [PinePhone](
does no longer boot, it goes like this:
- Press power button to boot it,
- type rootfs passphrase (I use full disk encryption),
- Mobian "spash screen" for a short time,
- black screen, and that's it.
My first bet was a graphical issue due to a recent upgrade ("sweet"
memories of Ubuntu failing to start its X server after almost any
upgrade...) so I try to ssh to it first... "no route to host", damned!
It don't have its IP yet so it failed before network setup.
But it's a PinePhone, and it runs
[Mobian](, a Debian for mobiles, so I'm
not in the dark, let's read the boot logs first before going down the
rabbit hole of connecting a UART on the jack port to debug it over
- Press power button,
- type rootfs passphrase again,
- press a volume button to get rid of the Mobian splash to see logs
The root filesystem on /dev/mapper/calamares_crypt requires a manual fsck
Looks easy, but without a keyboard? Let's mount the
[eMMC]( over USB!
As my phone boots using [Tow-Boot]( it's easy:
- Shut it down (~8s on the power button).
- Plug it to laptop with a USB-C cable.
- Make it enter "USB Mass Storage mode" (by holding the
volume up button at startup before and during the second
- Instantly my laptop sees it and udisks auto mounts it, gnome asks
for main partition passphrase to mount it too, nice!
- Boom, it disappears... and on `journalctl -e` I see `usb 1-5: device
descriptor read/64, error -71` ... `I/O error, dev sda` ...
At this point I think there's just two options: either my USB-C cable
was badly plugged, or my eMMC is dead. I vote for the USB-C cable
issue and try again.
- Rebooting phone in USB mass storage mode again, but this time
without giving my passphrase to avoid automount: it
needs an fsck anyway.
- I can browse `/media/mdk/boot` and see no read error in `sudo journalctl -f`.
- `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda` sees ~30GiB and both partitions.
I use encryption so to fsck the root partition, I have to use `cryptsetup` first:
$ sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 mobian # it asks for my passphrase
$ file /dev/mapper/mobian # That's the unencrypted view of my partition
/dev/mapper/mobian: symbolic link to ../dm-0
$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/mobian # Just out of curiosity
Disk /dev/mapper/mobian : 28.47 GiB, 30574379008 octets, 59715584 secteurs
$ sudo fsck /dev/mapper/mobian # Running fsck manually!
fsck from util-linux 2.38.1
e2fsck 1.46.6-rc1 (12-Sep-2022)
root contains a file system with errors, check forced.
[many many errors]
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/mobian /mnt # To check if it works
$ ls /mnt # Yeah!
bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
$ sudo umount /mnt
$ sudo cryptsetup close mobian
It looks OK, let's reboot the phone...
It works!!!
I know, your grandma would not be able to do fix it that way (mine
neither), but I'm still very happy to be able to fix my phone myself
when it has issues.
What would people do when a phone does no longer boot? Buy another?

View File

@ -1,90 +1,92 @@
Title: Black screen at boot on my PinePhone
Date: 2023-01-13 09:33:00
Summary: My phone was no longer booting…
Lang: fr
Slug: black-screen-at-boot-on-my-pinephone
Summary: OK, aujourdhui mon [PinePhone]( ne boot plus.
Title: Écran noir au démarrage de mon PinePhone
OK so today my [PinePhone](
does no longer boot, it goes like this:
OK, aujourdhui mon [PinePhone](
ne boot plus. Ça me fait ça :
- Press power button to boot it,
- type rootfs passphrase (I use full disk encryption),
- Mobian "spash screen" for a short time,
- black screen, and that's it.
- Jappuie sur le bouton pour le démarrer,
- je lui donne la passephrase pour déchiffrer la partition,
- Jai le joli logo « Mobian » pendant quelques instants,
- Et boom, écran noir, terminé.
My first bet was a graphical issue due to a recent upgrade ("sweet"
memories of Ubuntu failing to start its X server after almost any
upgrade...) so I try to ssh to it first... "no route to host", damned!
It don't have its IP yet so it failed before network setup.
Je parie dabord que cest un problème graphique dû à une mise à jour
récente. Ça me rappelle lépoque où jai cru bon de mettre une Ubuntu
sur la machine de ma maman : à chaque mise à jour le serveur X ne
démarrait plus. Vous vous souvenez de la blague « Cest quoi un Ubuntu
Server ? Cest un Ubuntu Desktop avec le serveur X qui ne démarre
pas ! » ?
But it's a PinePhone, and it runs
[Mobian](, a Debian for mobiles, so I'm
not in the dark, let's read the boot logs first before going down the
rabbit hole of connecting a UART on the jack port to debug it over
Si mon pari est bon, jai juste à me `ssh`… « `no route to host` », damned !
- Press power button,
- type rootfs passphrase again,
- press a volume button to get rid of the Mobian splash to see logs
Donc il plante **avant** davoir configuré son interface réseau.
Mais cest un PinePhone, avec [Mobian](
(une Debian avec deux-trois patch pour mobiles), donc je sais que je
vais men sortir, commencons simplement par lire les logs avant de
suivre le lapin blanc et de plonger au fond du terrier de
- Jappuie sur le bouton « power » pour le démarrer,
- je lui donne sa passephrase à nouveau,
- et jappuie sur un bouton de « volume » : comme sur une Debian, lappui dune touche chasse le « splash screen » et laisse lire les logs :
The root filesystem on /dev/mapper/calamares_crypt requires a manual fsck
OK ! Facile. Mais sans clavier ?
Looks easy, but without a keyboard? Let's mount the
[eMMC]( over USB!
Cest le moment de monter l[eMMC]( via USB !
As my phone boots using [Tow-Boot]( it's easy:
Mon téléphone démarre avec [Tow-Boot](, exposer la MMC via USB cest facile :
- Shut it down (~8s on the power button).
- Plug it to laptop with a USB-C cable.
- Make it enter "USB Mass Storage mode" (by holding the
volume up button at startup before and during the second
- Instantly my laptop sees it and udisks auto mounts it, gnome asks
for main partition passphrase to mount it too, nice!
- Boom, it disappears... and on `journalctl -e` I see `usb 1-5: device
descriptor read/64, error -71` ... `I/O error, dev sda` ...
- Je léteins (~8s sur le bouton power).
- Je le branche à mon ordinateur portable avec un câble USB-C.
- Je le démarre en mode « USB Mass Storage » (en maintenant « volume up » enfoncé au démarrage jusquà la 2 vibration).
- Instantanément mon ordinateur portable détecte un nouveau périphérique USB, `udisks` veut le monter, `Gnome` me demande la passephrase, `udisks` monte les deux partitions : que jaime quand tout roule !
- Boom, tout disparaît. Un coup dœil à `journalctl -e` : `usb 1-5: device
descriptor read/64, error -71` ... `I/O error, dev sda`
At this point I think there's just two options: either my USB-C cable
was badly plugged, or my eMMC is dead. I vote for the USB-C cable
issue and try again.
Donc là soit mon câble USB-C est mal branché ou mal en point, soit ma
MMC est morte. Je vais parier pour le câble (cest plus facile à résoudre).
- Rebooting phone in USB mass storage mode again, but this time
without giving my passphrase to avoid automount: it
needs an fsck anyway.
- I can browse `/media/mdk/boot` and see no read error in `sudo journalctl -f`.
- `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda` sees ~30GiB and both partitions.
- Redémarrage du téléphonne en mode « USB Mass Storage »
- Je ne donne pas la passephrase à Gnome cette fois, de toutes façons on a besoin de lui passer un `fsck`, pas de le monter.
- Un petit `ls` dans `/media/mdk/boot`, pas de `read error` dans `sudo journalctl -f`, rassurant.
- `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda` mannonce ~30GiB et les deux paritions, rassurant.
I use encryption so to fsck the root partition, I have to use `cryptsetup` first:
Vu que la partition est chiffrée jai besoin de la déchiffrer (sans la
monter) **avant** de passer le **fsck**, à coup de `cryptsetup` :
$ sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 mobian # it asks for my passphrase
$ file /dev/mapper/mobian # That's the unencrypted view of my partition
$ sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 mobian # ça me demande ma passphrase
$ file /dev/mapper/mobian # Ça cest la « vue » déchiffrée de la partition
/dev/mapper/mobian: symbolic link to ../dm-0
$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/mobian # Just out of curiosity
$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/mobian # Je suis curieux, et jai besoin dêtre rassuré
Disk /dev/mapper/mobian : 28.47 GiB, 30574379008 octets, 59715584 secteurs
$ sudo fsck /dev/mapper/mobian # Running fsck manually!
$ sudo fsck /dev/mapper/mobian # On ma dit dexécuter `fsck` manuellement, je le fais.
fsck from util-linux 2.38.1
e2fsck 1.46.6-rc1 (12-Sep-2022)
root contains a file system with errors, check forced.
[many many errors]
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/mobian /mnt # To check if it works
$ ls /mnt # Yeah!
[plein plein plein derreurs]
$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/mobian /mnt # Juste pour me rassurer
$ ls /mnt # Youpi !
bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
$ sudo umount /mnt
$ sudo cryptsetup close mobian
It looks OK, let's reboot the phone...
Ça me semble bon, je reboot le téléphone…
It works!!!
Ça marche !!!
I know, your grandma would not be able to do fix it that way (mine
neither), but I'm still very happy to be able to fix my phone myself
when it has issues.
Je sais, je sais, ta grand-mère naurait pas sû réparer le sien (ma
grand-mère non plus), mais je reste très satisfait dêtre capable de
réparer le mien moi-même : cest une bonne première étape.
What would people do when a phone does no longer boot? Buy another?
Si javais eu un téléphonne dun GAFA, quelles auraient été mes
solutions ? En acheter un autre.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Date: 2023-01-17 15:41:00
Lang: en
Slug: python-avance
Title: Advanced Python
That's the last of my two Python trainings. While the [introduction
training]({filename}/pages/ covers using classes
and libraries to create simple programs, this training focuses on the
art of creating classes and libraries to build reusable chunks in
arbitrary complex software.
## Goals
At the end of this training, one is able to produce *readable*,
*maintainable*, and *tested* code on any kind of project.
Focus is set on sharing and reusing code:
- Creating libraries (modules, packages).
- Packaging and distributing libraries.
- Managing dependencies in libraries and in projects.
- Tests and documentation.
## Prerequisites
The pre-requisite to follow this training is either to have followed
the [Python Introduction]({filename}/pages/ one,
or have an equivalent level, that is: be able to read and modify
Python code, be able to write Python code to solve a given problem
from scratch.
## Content
- Python protocols (iteration protocol, any "dunder", …).
- Classes and their instances (where we speak about the MRO and `super()`).
- The descriptor protocol.
- The *garbage collector*.
- IEEE 754 *floats*, knowing their limits.
- Create, raise, and handle exception. `try`'s `else` and `finally`.
- Context managers.
- Decorators.
- List comprehensions.
- The Walrus Operator (`:=`).
- String encodings.
- Packaging using `pyproject.toml`, `python -m build`, `twine`, …
- Asynchronous Python with `async` and `await`.
## Duration
This training best spam over five days, but I'm acustomed to give a 3 day version of it too.
## Contact
To know more, please shoot me an email at [](

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Title: Python avancé
Date: 2023-01-17 15:41:00
Lang: fr
Slug: python-avance
Title: Python avancé
Cest la seconde de mes deux formations Python. Alors que la
[formation *initiation*]({filename}/pages/

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Title: Python introduction
Slug: python-initiation
Date: 2023-01-17 15:41:00
Lang: en
Slug: python-initiation
Title: Python introduction
This is the first one of my two Python trainings, it has no prerequisites.

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("Articles", "/en/blog/"),