  • Joined on 2022-12-08
Barbagus commented on issue fcode/delarte#2 2022-12-10 08:22:38 +00:00
Choix du répertoire de téléchargement temporaire

This as been partially addressed in the packaged version of the script. Once the package is pip-installed on your system, you might call the script from any location using

`$ python -m delarte…

Barbagus commented on issue fcode/delarte#1 2022-12-10 08:19:21 +00:00
CLI argument/options and default behaviours

This has been addressed without argparse for now. Calling the script without argument (or calling it with either -h or --help will show a usage message.

Barbagus commented on issue fcode/delarte#8 2022-12-10 08:17:31 +00:00
Custom naming of the output file.

This could be aproached by accepting a 'tagged' string as an option/argument to the script. Something like:

"{title}-{subtitle} ({version}, {resolution})"

That would result in, for…

Barbagus commented on issue fcode/delarte#6 2022-12-10 08:09:27 +00:00
FFmpeg: error reading header

One way to aproach this could be to download the streams (audio/video/subs) first and then mux them using FFMPEG. Actually this is already the case for the subs (as we need to convert them from…

Barbagus opened issue fcode/delarte#8 2022-12-10 07:36:39 +00:00
Custom naming of the output file.
Barbagus opened issue fcode/delarte#7 2022-12-10 07:32:07 +00:00
Support for playlists
Barbagus opened issue fcode/delarte#6 2022-12-10 07:25:32 +00:00
ffmpeg: error reading header
Barbagus pushed to devel at fcode/delarte 2022-12-09 20:40:48 +00:00
a404dd1da4 Get rid of gitlab references
f9c20e2149 Match signature for version & resolution functions
9593619c68 Setup the execution arch
f22fe297c5 Packaging with flit
5125f1d6ba reflect readme terminology in code
Compare 13 commits »
Barbagus closed pull request fcode/delarte#4 2022-12-09 19:39:23 +00:00
WIP: packaging and usage message
Barbagus created pull request fcode/delarte#4 2022-12-08 23:55:51 +00:00
WIP: packaging and usage message